Research Results

SHARE Finding of the Month

Wealthier Grandparents Help Their Adult Children More — But the Welfare State Can Level the Playing Field

A recent study explores to what extent grandparents’ investment in adult children, in terms of providing money and grandchild care, is influenced by parental income and the welfare system of the country they live in.

All findings

All COVID-19 Health & Health Care Employment Economics Family Networks OTHER

Wealthier Grandparents Help Their Adult Children More — But the Welfare State Can Level the Playing Field

Family Networks| Economics| OTHER|

Personality and Wellbeing of Lifelong Singles: New Insights from SHARE

A new study explores how lifelong singlehood influences personality and wellbeing using data from SHARE.
Health & Health Care| OTHER|

Does Parenthood Impact Life Satisfaction in Older Age?

A new study using SHARE data scrutinizes the “parental happiness gap” for individuals aged 50+ in the context of health decline.
Family Networks| Health & Health Care|

Informal Caregiving and Disadvantaged Socioeconomic Status

SHARE-based study explores how individual levels of education, wealth, and income as well as social policy structures are linked to informal care provision.
Health & Health Care| Family Networks|

Social Cohesion and Help Provision in Times of COVID-19

A new study based on SHARE data examines intergenerational solidarity among older Europeans over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic.
COVID-19| Health & Health Care|

How Having Grandchildren Affects Labour Supply

New study using SHARE data finds negative effect of grandparenthood on women's employment status.
Family Networks| Employment|

Do Social Roles Influence Later Mental Health?

Study finds link between work and family roles and mental health in later life.
Health & Health Care| Employment| Family Networks|

Access to Healthcare Reduced during COVID-19

New study using SHARE data explores how overwhelmed health capacities lead to unmet healthcare.
Health & Health Care| COVID-19|

Inequalities in Access to Healthcare

Economically vulnerable people were more likely to experience barriers in access to healthcare during the pandemic.
Health & Health Care| Economics| COVID-19|

Is Grip Strength an Indicator of Depression?

Study finds that individuals with higher grip strength values have a lower risk of depression.
Health & Health Care|

Planned Retirement Age Increases across Europe

Study investigates how Europeans are adapting to policies aimed at prolonging working lives.
Employment| Economics|

Higher-Risk Health Lifestyle and Preventive Behaviour during COVID-19

Study explores connection of risky health behaviour and compliance with preventive measures.
COVID-19| Health & Health Care|

Precautionary Health Behaviour during COVID-19 over Time

New SHARE study finds that elderly people with chronic diseases show more cautious health behaviour.
COVID-19| Health & Health Care|

Changes in Working Conditions during the Pandemic

Study with SHARE COVID-19 data explores link between job features and the probability of work interruptions.
COVID-19| Employment|

Motivating Attitudes and Protective Behaviour against Covid-19

Study investigates link between threat perceptions and protective behaviour.
COVID-19| Health & Health Care|

Depression and Loneliness during the Pandemic

New share study explores loneliness and depression risk of retirees during COVID-19.
COVID-19| Health & Health Care|

Possible Ways out of The Crisis?

Effects of different control strategies & COVID-19 vaccination rates as possible game changers in pandemic development.

Keeping Physically and Mentally Fit

Researcheres observe a mitigating effect of even moderate physical activity on depression.
Health & Health Care|

Private Care Networks during the Pandemic

Increasing amount of caregiving from adult children to parents. One out of five care recipients reported difficulties in receiving care.
Health & Health Care| COVID-19| Family Networks|

Are People with High Cognitive Resources More Active?

Study investigates a temporal precedence between cognition and physical activity after age of 50.
Health & Health Care|

The Challenge of e-Inclusion in Europe

Recent studies with SHARE data analyse internet use in the age cohorts 50+ and recommend strategies for digital inclusion.

Age Is Just a Number

New SHARE-based study explores the cultural impact of individual age identity on mental and physical well-being.
Health & Health Care| OTHER|

Is Blood Thicker?

Study explores whether grandparents provide more care to biological offspring than to adoptive and step-offspring.
Family Networks|

Being Social Helps You to Stay Mentally Fit

A SHARE-based study shows that sociality improves both quality of life and cognitive functions in old age.
Health & Health Care|

Connection of Wills & Wealth in the Context of National Intestacy Laws

Study explores relationship between will use and surviving spouses’ retained wealth.
Family Networks| Economics|

The Influence of Socioeconomic Factors on the Use of Pain Medication

Medication is a key strategy to mitigate pain, yet it is less accessible to those with fewer resources
Health & Health Care| Economics|

Explanations for the Gender Gap in Late-life Cognition

Data from SHARE and its sister studies suggest a link between improved living standards and cognitive ability in later life
Health & Health Care|

The Economic Burden of Stroke Across Europe

Stroke costs European countries €60 billion a year and this value have been rising over time, a new study with SHARE data finds.
Economics| Health & Health Care|

Do Parental Disabilities Bring Parents and Children Closer?

Study explores link between parent-child proximity and provision of intergenerational support.
Family Networks|

The Influence of Temptation on Housing Choices

A new study based on SHARE data explores the link between ‘temptation preferences’ and consumption-saving puzzles

How Life Goes on for Older Women in Europe after the Loss of Their Partner

Study examines influence of the perceived quality of social relations.
Health & Health Care| Family Networks|

Divorce and Variations in Individual Well-being

The years after the divorce was finalized see respondents with a higher well-being profile than the years preceding it.
Family Networks| Health & Health Care|

Becoming a Grandparent Impacts Well-being

The life event of becoming a grandparent has a beneficial effect on well-being only among grandmothers.
Health & Health Care| Family Networks|

Who Cares for their Parents?

New study with SHARE data explores the influence of siblings’ characteristics on an individual child’s care-giving for their parents in Europe.
Family Networks|

The Scarring Effect of Unemployment

Across countries, episodes of unemployment have long-term negative effects on psychological well-being.
Employment| Health & Health Care|

The Influence of Religiousness on Mental Health

Religious practices provide resources, which prevent depressive symptoms.
Health & Health Care|

Childhood Circumstances & Mental Health in Later Life

Adverse socioeconomic conditions during childhood negatively influence mental health in later life.
Health & Health Care| Economics|

The Spillover Effect of Depression

Living with a partner who suffers from depression results in a significant risk of decline in quality of life.
Health & Health Care| Family Networks|

Children’s education prolongs parents’ life

Study explores the associations between children’s relative educational attainment and their parents’ mortality.
Family Networks| Health & Health Care|

Effects of Divorce on Grandparental Childcare

Study shows that divorced grandparents provide less care for their grandchildren than married grandparents.
Family Networks|

The Wealth Gap between Migrants and Natives in Europe

Study with SHARE data shows that, while migrants financially fare worse than natives on average, wealth is unevenly distributed among them.

Adapting to Functional Limitations

Study with SHARE data indicates that life satisfaction of older people returns to pre-onset levels after five years.
Health & Health Care|

Explaining Different Rates of Cognitive Decline across Europe

Differences in cognitive performance and cognitive decline across Europe suggest that socioeconomic factors influence cognitive ageing.
Health & Health Care| Economics|

Grandchild Care and its Influence on Mental Health

Caring for grandchildren can increase grandparents’ risk of depression, a new study with SHARE data finds.
Family Networks| Health & Health Care|

The Effectiveness of Tobacco Control Policies

Researchers confirm that tobacco control policies reduce smoking prevalence and increase life expectancy.
Health & Health Care|

Is Mental Health Affected by Retirement?

New study with SHARE data finds that retirement has a positive effect on mental health, especially for women and blue-collar workers.
Employment| Health & Health Care|

Inequalities in Health between Migrants and Non-Migrants

While at arrival, immigrants are often healthier than the non-migrant population, this is reversed at older ages.
Health & Health Care|

Social Capital in Old Age

New SHARE-based study finds that networking, volunteering, and attending clubs in later life improves self-perceived health.
Health & Health Care|

Better Education May Slow Cognitive Decline

New study based on SHARE-data explores the association between education and cognitive change in later life in Denmark.
Health & Health Care|

Are Volunteers Happier?

New SHARE-based study explores the effects of voluntary work on life satisfaction in midlife and old age.
Employment| Health & Health Care|

Depressive Symptoms and Exit from Paid Employment

SHARE data helps understand the impact of depressive symptoms on the exit from the active workforce.
Employment| Health & Health Care|

High-Intensity Physical Activity and Chronic Diseases

New SHARE-based study highlights the positive impact of vigorous activities on health.
Health & Health Care|

Caregiving and Working at Age 50+

New SHARE-based study explores how providing informal care affects employment.
Employment| Health & Health Care|

Job Change in Later Life

New SHARE-based study explores the impact of switching to a less-demanding job in older age.

Disadvantaged Early-Life Conditions and Respiratory Function

New SHARE-based study examines whether growing up in disadvantageous socioeconomic conditions affects lung function in later life.
Economics| Health & Health Care|

A Deprived Start Into Life Has a Life-Long Impact on Our Health

SHARE-based studies analyse the connection between early-life circumstances and muscle strength and physical activity in later life.
Health & Health Care| Economics|

How Does Fertility Affect Long-Term Health?

New SHARE-study explores the impact of the number of children and timing of the first child’s birth.
Family Networks| Health & Health Care|

Education and Health in Later Life

New SHARE-based study explores the relationship between education and health in the U.S., the U.K., the Netherlands and Sweden.
Health & Health Care|

Educational Inequalities and Cognition in Old Age

A new SHARE-based study explores the relationship between education and health.
Health & Health Care|

Internet Use among Older Europeans

New SHARE-based study explores the drivers of Internet use among Europeans aged 50+.

Do Women in Europe Live Longer and Happier Lives than Men?

New SHARE-based study is among the first to explore gender differences in happy life expectancy.
Health & Health Care|

Does Disability Insurance Improve Health and Well-Being?

Disability insurance benefits positively influence recipients’ health and well-being.
Health & Health Care| Economics|

Long-Term Care Subsidisation and Use of Hospital Care

New SHARE-based study explores if subsidising long-term care could reduce hospital admissions.
Health & Health Care| Economics|

Healthy Country, Healthy People

New SHARE-based study explores how country-specific health factors influence one’s subjective health.
Health & Health Care|

Depressive Parent, Depressive Child?

SHARE-based study finds associations between growing up with parents with mental health problems and depressive symptoms in later life.
Family Networks| Health & Health Care|

Grandparenthood and Life Satisfaction

New study explores the link between having grandchildren and life satisfaction with the help of SHARE data.
Family Networks|

“Gain a Child, Lose a Tooth”?

A new SHARE-based study finds causal evidence for the proverb.
Family Networks| Health & Health Care|

How Providing Care Affects Caregivers' Mental Health

Providing care to a parent can have a negative impact on the mental health of the adult child, finds new SHARE-based study.
Health & Health Care| Family Networks|

Information about Future Pensions Leads to Increased Private Retirement Savings

New SHARE-based study shows that a better understanding of one’s expected pension contributes to financial security in old age.

Regional Availability of Formal Long-Term Care and the Well-Being of Spousal Caregivers

SHARE-based study examines how having control over the care situation affects one's well-being.
Health & Health Care|

The Retirement Age Rises

Pension reforms in Europe have raised the realized retirement age.

Are Immigrants Healthier than Natives?

New study with SHARE data compares the health effects of different immigration policies in Europe and Israel.
Health & Health Care| OTHER|

Economic Crises May Have Negative Effect on Health in Later Life

Severe macroeconomic shocks experienced during one’s working life might have detrimental long-term effects on health, finds a SHARE-based study.
Economics| Health & Health Care|

The Effect of Retirement on Your Cognitive Abilities

SHARE-based study shows how retiring may lead to a decline of cognitive functions.
Employment| Health & Health Care|

Books Are Good for Your... Teeth?

A recent study based on SHARE data examines potential links between childhood socioeconomic circumstances and dental health in later life.
Health & Health Care|

Socializing Outside Your Inner Circle May Be Good for Your Health

New study based on SHARE data finds that different types of social relations have different (positive) effects on self-perceived health.
Health & Health Care|

The Motives for Caring for Dependent Parents

SHARE-based study finds that long-term care in Europe is driven by altruism or family norms, depending on the region.
Family Networks| Health & Health Care|

Does Having Children Make People Happier in Old Age?

The benefits of having children for one’s quality of life highly depend on financial circumstances, according to a new study based on SHARE data.
Family Networks| Economics|

Retirement Changes Health Behaviour

New study analyses the diverse effects of retirement on individuals’ lifestyles.
Employment| Health & Health Care|

Women in Gender-Equal Countries Perform Better in Cognitive Tests

Cognitive abilities of women after midlife may be affected by the gender-role attitudes in their countries of residence.
OTHER| Employment|

Inequalities in Loneliness

The risk of being lonely varies according to the elderly individual’s level of wealth.
Economics| Health & Health Care|

Intergenerational Living Has Positive Effects on Older People’s Mental Health

SHARE-based study shows that co-residing with adult children may result in reduced levels of depressive symptoms.
Health & Health Care| OTHER|

The Effect of Care on Women's Mental Health

Study shows how caring for elder parents may impair women’s mental health.
Health & Health Care| OTHER|

Can Retirement Lead to Better Health?

SHARE-based study on the effects of retiring during the economic crisis in Europe.
Health & Health Care| Employment| Economics|

Life History and the Risk of Death

Researchers use life course approach to analyse when people die in Europe.
Health & Health Care| OTHER|

The Long-Term Effect of Childhood Circumstances

SHARE-based study shows how children’s living-conditions influence health in old age.
Economics| Health & Health Care|

The "Grandparent Effect" on Education

Study compares intergenerational influence of grandparents in ten different countries.
Family Networks|

Well-Being of Older Migrants in Europe

SHARE-based study compares subjective well-being of migrants and natives aged 50+.

Working beyond Pension Age?

International study compares the conditions of workers aged 65-80 in Europe.
Employment| Economics|

Little Exercise Is Better than None

Preventing chronic diseases through minor physical activity is more effective than previously assumed.
Health & Health Care|

What Makes the Perfect Grandparent?

Study about partnership status and gender of grandparents in Europe
Family Networks|

Fight Cognitive Decline with Sudoku

Study shows how leisure activity can help to train your memory.
Health & Health Care| OTHER|

The Taller, the Happier?

International study analyses the link between body height and well-being among people 50+.
Health & Health Care| OTHER|

Working Under Stressful Conditions Causes Depressions in the Long Run

Researchers argue that health consequences of work stress should be analysed in a life-course perspective.
Health & Health Care| Employment|