SHARE-ERIC Management

SHARE-ERIC Management

Management Board


The Management Board proposes all strategic and budgetary decisions to the Council. It is responsible for all financial and governance processes which maintain scientific integrity, cross-national comparability, and an overall balance of the SHARE survey design. Specifically, it is accountable for the SHARE-ERIC’s finances and deliverables, and for observing legal requirements such as data confidentiality and safety regulations at the European level.

Prof. Dr. David Richter
Principal Investigator of SHARE and Managing Director of SHARE-ERIC

Prof. Dr. Agnieszka Chłoń-Domińczak
Deputy Managing Director

Prof. Dr. Martina Brandt
Area Coordinator

Prof. Florence Jusot, PhD.
Area Coordinator

Prof. Giacomo Pasini, PhD.
Area Coordinator

Assoc. Prof. Šime Smolić, PhD.
Area Coordinator

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bella Strumiskaya
Area Coordinator

Prof. Guglielmo Weber, Ph.D.
Area Coordinator

Prof. Pedro Mira, Ph.D.
Coordinator ERIC Management

Prof. Dr. Jérôme Schoenmaeckers
Chair of Assembly of Country Team Leaders

ERIC Council


The Council is the assembly where all member states are represented. It is the body having full decision‑making powers, including the adoption of the budget. The Council appoints the Managing Director as the legal representative of the ERIC together with other members of the Management Board,  the executive body of the ERIC.


Members of the SHARE-ERIC Council:

Dieta Lohmann
Chair of SHARE-ERIC, Fed. Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Germany

Matthias Reiter-Pázmándy
Austrian Delegate, Austrian Federal Ministry for Science and Research (BMWF)

Bart Dumolyn
Belgian Delegate, Flemish Government

Aziz Naji
Belgian Delegate, Belgian Federal Science Policy Office

Zornitsa Georgieva
Bulgarian Delegate, Ministry of Education and Science

Prof. Ivan Čipin
Croatian Delegate, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics and Business

Jelena Ilić Dreven
Croatian Delegate, Ministry of Science and Education

Naďa Dřizga
Czech Delegate, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic

Francis Bloch
French Delegate, Ministry of Higher Education and Research

Myriam Baron
French Delegate, Ministry of Higher Education and Research

Ivonne Küsters
German Delegate, Project Management Agency of the German Aerospace Centre (DLR)

Platon Tinios
Greek Delegate, University of Piraeus, Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science

Athanasios Giannopoulos
Greek Delegate, Head Officer of the Special Account for Research Funds (SARF), General Secretariat for Research and Innovation

Réka Bozóki-Gál
Hungarian Delegate, National Research, Development and Innovation Office

Nechama Gelber Tzur
Israeli Delegate, Ministry for Social Equality 

Saverio Foti
Italian Delegate, MIUR - Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca

Riccardo Pozzo
Italian Delegate, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche

Alice Dijkstra
Dutch Delegate, Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek

Małgorzata Sarzalska   
Polish Delegate, Ministry of Economic Development, Labour and Technology

Albin Kralj
Slovenian Delegate, Ministry of Education, Science and Sport

Karolina Schlegel
Slovenian Delegate, Ministry of Education, Science and Sport

Susanna Bylin      
Swedish Delegate, Swedish Research Council

Lea Bühlmann
Swiss Observer, State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation SERI

Scientific Monitoring Board


The Scientific Monitoring Board monitors the scientific quality of SHARE and is also evaluating SHARE from a user perspective. It gives feedback to the Management Board and the research consortium at least once per year. Every two years, the Scientific Monitoring Board issues a written report to the Council of the SHARE-ERIC. This report also assesses the services offered to the users of the SHARE data.


Members of the Scientific Monitoring Board:

Prof. Arie Kapteyn, Ph.D.

Prof. Lisa Berkman, Ph.D.
Social Epidemiology and Biomarkers

Prof. David Bell

Prof. Kaare Christensen MD, PhD, DMSc.
Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Biodemography

Prof. Mick P. Couper, Ph.D.
Survey Methods, Data Dissemination Methods, and New Technology

Prof. Mike Hurd, Ph.D.
Savings and Health, Data Access and Data Quality; Harmonization with HRS

Prof. Daniel L. McFadden, Ph.D.
Survey Methodology

Prof. David O. Meltzer, PhD, MD

Prof. Pierre Pestieau
Retirement and Labour Markets

Prof. Dr. Norbert Schwarz
Survey Psychology and Data Access Methodology

Prof. Andrew Steptoe, Ph.D.

Prof. Arthur A. Stone, Ph.D.
Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

Prof. Robert Willis, Ph.D.
Cognition, Psychology, Economics

SHARE-ERIC Council Meeting on 17 May 2022, in Munich/ Germany