Press information

Press Releases
EU Commission Grant: four leading social science infrastructures in Europe SHARE ERIC, ESS ERIC, GGP and GUIDE cooperate in the SoGreen project
Press information about the SoGreen project
EU Commission Grant: SHARE-ERIC is becoming a central pillar in Corona crisis related research
Press information about the announcement of the European Commission to fund the SHARE-COVID research project, August 2020
DE: SHARE wird zu einer zentralen Säule der Corona-Forschung in Europa
European Research Infrastructure Consortiums (ERICs) strengthen collaboration
Press information about the Memorandum of Understanding to establish an ERIC forum, May 2017
DE: European Research Infrastructure Consortiums (ERICs) stärken Zusammenarbeit
Mutual Learning: Joint pan-European research improves the understanding of ageing societies
Press information about the extention of SHARE (New member countries), July 2016
DE: Voneinander lernen: Gemeinsame Erforschung alternder Gesellschaften wird verbessert
Book launch of the Wave 5 FRB: Summary of selected chapters
Press information from the book launch of the Wave 5 FRB in Brussels, October 2015
Book launch: Active ageing and solidarity between generations in Europe
Press information from the Launch of the Wave 4 FRB in Brussels, June 2013
The Individual and the Welfare State: Life Histories in Europe
English Press Release (November 2010, release of wave 3 data)
DE: Individuum und Wohlfahrtsstaat: Europäische Lebensgeschichten
Tackling the demographic challenge
Impressions from the SHARE-ESFRI Conference in Ludwigsburg, Germany, July 2009
Newly Available SHARE Data Provide Insights on European Ageing
Press Release (November 2008, release of wave 2 data)
DE: Neue SHARE-Daten vermitteln Einblicke bezüglich Alternsprozessen in Europa
Do you have questions? Please contact our PR team:
Monika Thaler, mthaler[at]
Carolin Schnabel, cschnabel[at]