Bio-medical and socio-economic precursors of cognitive decline in SHARE
Enhancing and combining capacities to investigate the social aspects of the green transition in Europe
Stimulating collaboration and fostering scientific exchange
Facilitating comparisons with SHARE sister studies
Administrative data linked up to SHARE Wave 9
Presenting final results and policy recommendations of the SHARE-COVID19 project
Administrative data from Finland linked up to SHARE Wave 9
SHARE-Gateway User Conference 2024
First release offers seven blood biomarkers as additional objective measures of health
Danish administrative data linked up to SHARE Wave 9
New data set includes Wave 9
“From the SHARE Corona Survey 2 to the SHARE Main Wave 9 Interview” now available.
Number of scientific SHARE-based publications surpasses new threshold and is steadily increasing.
The entire SHARE family is deeply saddened by the sudden death of Joris Voskuilen who passed away on January 5th 2024, at the age of 61.
PhD Opportunity in Aging and Health Research at the University of Lausanne
„Social, health, and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and the epidemiological control measures“
"Effects of sampling and non-sampling errors on the collection of survey data on the physical and mental health status of the elderly population"
Invitation to the 2023 User Workshop on September 27 & 28 in Berlin
The 7th SHARE User Conference has started today in Bled, Slovenia
SHARE-ERIC Council adopts extension of SHARE after 2024
SHARE will hold its 7th User Conference in Bled, Slovenia, 5-7 October 2022. The conference theme is Ageing Societies Facing Health, Social and Economic Crises.
The SHARE group at University of Southern Denmark (SDU) is looking for excellent and highly motivated researchers.
German leading research institutions bring Europe's largest social science panel study to Berlin
Administrative data linked up to SHARE Wave 8
In the light of the current attack of the Russian Federation on Ukraine, SHARE expresses its deepest concern about the safety of Ukrainians and the integrity of Ukraine.
New Objective health measures in SHARE introduced in Wave 8
During the COVID-19 pandemic, access to healthcare has been reduced especially for economically deprived and patients with poor or worsening health status, making older patients increasingly vulnerable
New data set includes SHARE Corona Survey 2
“Collecting Cross-National Survey Data in Times of COVID-19” now available
International Coordinator (full time, m/f/d) to be filled as early as possible in 2022.
Researchers analyzed the willingness to get vaccinated against the background of demographic, socio-economic and health factors of people in Europe and Israel
Updated SHARE flyer available
SHARE completed its fieldwork of the second Corona Survey successfully in all 28 countries.
The SHARE-ERIC Annual Activity Report 2020-21 can now be accessed on our website
Release version 1.0.0 of Wave 8 data is now available!
After successful field rehearsal in spring, the main fieldwork for the second SHARE Corona Survey has started
A new study based on data from the SHARE Corona Survey examines the medium-term consequences of COVID-19 on mental well-being by shedding light on feelings of sadness, depression and loneliness after the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Submit your abstract by 30 April 2021
A new study based on data from the SHARE Corona Survey investigates how private care networks were affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and provides new insights on the care situation across Europe.
SHARE-ERIC is celebrating its 10th anniversary as the first European Research Infrastructure Consortium
Early release of SHARE Wave 8 COVID-19 data
The EU Commission accepted the proposal of the SHARE-COVID19 research project to investigate the health, behavioural, social and economic impact of the COVID-19 outbreak
Call for Abstracts
SHARE Release 7.1.0 is now available!
The SHARE-ERIC Annual Activity Report 2019-20 can now be accessed on our website
SHARE resumes Wave 8 fieldwork via telephone interviews including a special SHARE Corona questionnaire
Learn from experienced leaders in research infrastructures through our series of webinars
Fieldwork of Wave 8 data collection paused in affected countries
23 ERIC and ERIC-to-be came together with EU and ESFRI representatives in Brussels
Directors of the ERIC Forum members met in Amsterdam to discuss governance
Call for applications extended until October 31
SHARE data can now be linked with administrative data from the Netherlands
The SHARE family has grown to five digits
The joint SHARE User Conference and Budapest Pension Seminar has kicked off in Hungary
The “Social Policy and Law Shared Database” (SPLASH) is online now!
Submit your proposals!
New call for applications open now!
“Panel Innovations and Life Histories” is now available online.
Registration closed
On June 25, SHARE brought together actors from research and policy in Brussels for the release of its new First Results Book.
The SHARE-ERIC Annual Activity Report 2018-19 can now be accessed on our website
First results of SHARE Wave 6 and 7 - Health and socio-economic status over the life course
Read up on the latest SHARE news
We are very happy to announce SHARE Release 7.0.0!
May 16th, 2019 in Cologne, Germany
We are looking for a colleague to join our Munich team!
SHARE ERIC is workpackage leader
Submit your abstract by February 28, 2019
4th “Transforming Care Conference” in Copenhagen
Meat and fish consumption of the European population aged 50 and older
New web interface for browsing and searching the SHARE (meta)data
SHARE-ERIC Position Paper on Long-Term Financial Sustainability
Team members of SHARE-ERIC met with CERIC-ERIC in Trieste/ Italy to exchange about communication and managerial topics.
Prof. Börsch-Supan meets with Federal Minister of Education and Research and Bavarian Minister for Science and Arts
Extension of SHARE study allows for EU-wide country-comparisons
The SHARE-ERIC Annual Activity Report 2017-18 can now be accessed on our website
New blog presents scientific analyses based on SHARE data
BBC Article on a New Study with SHARE data
Check out our SHARE News in a nutshell!
SHARE Release 6.1.0 is now available!
Procurement for Wave 8 has started on January 29, 2018
Management and leadership expertise directly from leading research infrastructures
Submit your abstracts or full papers until February 5, 2018.
"Survey Participation in the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE), Wave 1-6"
Questionnaire innovations, methodological advancements and new procedures of Wave 6
New Data Release
Visit us at the European Survey Research Association (ESRA) 2017 conference in Lisbon, Portugal
13 ERICs sign Memorandum of Understanding and establish the ERIC forum
SHARE is very happy to announce the release of Wave 6 data!
Please enjoy reading our Newsletter No. 20.
The Memorandum of Understanding signed on 25th October 2016 between the two European Research Infrastructure Consortia, CERIC-ERIC and SHARE-ERIC – having their seat in Trieste and Munich respectively – strengthens scientific collaboration between Friuli Venezia Giulia and Bavaria.
We are very happy to integrate eight new countries into SHARE.
Harmonised net income measures in SHARE Wave 1
Learn how to get more out of the SHARE data and get your work known to other data users!
SHARE research findings
The use of SHARE data is increasing all over the world. Read more in our current SHARE Newsletter No. 18.
This new release is a major data update of all waves released by SHARE so far (Waves 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5)
SHARE – Switzerland - September 5-6, 2016 - University of Lausanne
New SHARE flyer available
SHARE Wave 7 Post-Pretest Meeting, 16 to 18 March 2016, Vilnius, Lithuania
Three SERISS research infrastructures become ESFRI Landmarks
The first Swedish workshop about SHARE took place on February 25th at the Aging Research Center in Stockholm.
We are happy to present our new SHARE Newsletter No.17
From 12-13 November 2015 the 5th International SHARE User Conference took place at the Luxembourg Institute of Socio-economic Research (LISER) in Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg.
Ageing in Europe: A new book presents evidence on how to reinforce social and economic inclusion in spite of population ageing
Release event 29th October in Brussels
12-13 November 2015 -
Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg
SHARE Newsletter No.16 – September 2015
Synergies for Europe’s Research Infrastructures in the Social Sciences (SERISS)
Call for Papers
Major data update of Waves 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 to be published
Release 2.0.0 of easySHARE is now available
The SHARE Wave 5 data release 1.0.0 is now available
For an overview of what has been going on in the past months, we have just sent out the newest edition of our newsletter.
For almost ten years the number of SHARE publications has been steadily increasing.
We have just uploaded the SHARE Compliance Profiles for Wave 5.
Poland joined SHARE-ERIC on 22nd Oct., 2014.
The job episodes panel is a generated dataset that rearranges information taken from waves 1 to 3 of SHARE in order to create a ready-to-use “long panel”.
easySHARE is now available for the statistical program R.
In March 2011, SHARE became the first European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC).
Please refer to the PDF files for detailed info.
For an overview of what has been going on in the past six months, we have just sent out the newest edition of our bi-annual newsletter.
If you are interested in using easySHARE for your analysis, take a look at the freshly released working paper.
From November 28-29 the 4th international SHARE User Conference took place at the HEC Business School in Liège, Belgium.
The Austrian Ministry of Science is organizing a joint conference of Austrian ESFRI projects of human and social sciences held on October 24th, 2013, in Vienna.
As a partner of the Joint Programming Initiative (JPI) "More Years, Better Lives - The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change" information about SHARE has now been included in the JPI Data Mapping Project.
From February 13th to 14th 2014 a SHARE data workshop will take place in collaboration with Gesis.
If you have general questions concerning SHARE, the frequently asked questions provide a perfect starting point.
On October 24th a conference on the topic of research infrastructures will take place in Vienna.
For young researchers the German RatSWD is organizing a poster presentation.
During the next weeks SHARE will be represented on two major international conferences, the 108th Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association in New York and the 27th International Population Conference IUSSP in Busan, Korea.
On June 27th 2013 the publication of „Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations. First Results from SHARE after the Economic Crisis” as well as the official launch of Wave 4 have been celebrated in Brussels.
The 4th International SHARE User Conference will take place November 28-29, 2013 at the HEC Business School in Liège, Belgium.
The Israeli country team published the country specific First Results Book “Changes in the Second Half of Life. Recent Findings from SHARE-Israel: The Longitudinal Survey of People Aged 50 and Older, 2005-2010”, edited by Leah Achdut & Howard Litwin.
The renowned International Journal of Epidemiology just published the article entitled "Data Resource Profile: The Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE)".
The Swiss country team of SHARE at IMES and FORS is organizing a workshop about the role of biomarkers at the University of Lausanne. It will take place September 6-7.
The SHARE Wave 4 data release 1.1.1 is now available for download.
You can download these flyers in several different language versions.
The compliance profiles have been released and can be downloaded.
We have just released another volume which gives a detailed account of the innovations and methodology of SHARE Wave 4.
The German Pension Insurance and the Munich Center for the Economics of Aging (MEA) organized a workshop about linking survey and social security data. The workshop was held November 22th-23rd 2012 at the German Pension Insurance Office, Berlin.
We are very happy to announce an updated release of SHARE wave 4 data.
The Research Data Center of the German Pension Fund and MEA, the Munich Center for the Economics of Aging organize a workshop on “Linking survey and social security data”.
SHARE will be represented with an exhibition stand on the 36th Congress of the German Society for Sociology (DGS). The congress takes place October 1st-5th in Bochum and Dortmund.
For the past 6 months we have been working on improving our facebook page and we continuously try to provide up to date information about SHARE.
We have updated our user statistics and since the beginning of this year almost 400 new users joined, amounting to 2700 in total.
As previously announced, SHARE traveled to Denver, CO as a part of the Research in Germany initiative in late August.
As a part of the "Research in Germany" activities at the 2012 American Sociological Association Annual Meeting SHARE will travel to Denver.
We have updated our SHARE brochure. The content has been revised and updated with two new articles and additionally the brochure has been redesigned.
You can now find policy papers as well as miscellaneous papers in the reorganized publications section.
SHARE will take part in a two day data workshop at the Oxford Institute of Population Ageing on June 25th and June 26th.
Am 22. Mai wird Dr. Martina Brandt im Haus der Europäischen Union in Wien einen Vortrag zu dem Thema "Transfer zwischen den Generationen" halten.
A new SHARE Working Paper "Two measures of lifetime resources for Europe using SHARELIFE" by Christoph T. Weiss is now online.
The first Italian SHARE Users’ Conference will take place on June 28-29, 2012, at the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.
The Danish EU presidency opened the "Year of active ageing and solidarity between generations" on 18 January 2011 in Copenhagen with a presentation by the SHARE coordinator showing how SHARE teaches us that many myths about ageing are wrong.
Information and Downloads can now be found.
In August 2011, SHARE was presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association (ASA) in Las Vegas.
In November 2010, retrospective life history data from the third wave of SHARE, the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe were made available to the scientific community (
Please note that the terms and conditions of SHARE data usage have changed.
September 1-2, 2011, Tallinn, Estonia
The Individual and the State: One Century of Life Histories in Europe.
SHARE release 2.3.1 provides updated imputations, other modules remain unchanged. Please see SHARE Release Guide 2.3.1 for more information.
Das Wissenschaftsportal für die Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar. Die besten Ideen und Innovationen live erleben!
Altern in Europa: SHARE veröffentlicht die SHARELIFE-Lebenslaufdaten.
Über 60 Forscher aus ganz Europa und den USA trafen sich in Mainz um ihre Resultate auf Basis des SHARE und der Schwesterstudien ELSA und HRS vorzustellen und zu diskutieren.
The Journal of European Social Policy has published a Special Issue on SHARE (Vol. 19, No. 4), covering a variety of topics such as changes in older European's health, social relations in the older population, and elders' economic situation.
More than 60 researchers from all over Europe and the US met at the second SHARE User Conference in Mainz to discuss their results based on SHARE as well as the ELSA and HRS sister surveys.
Retraite & Societé is a specialized interdisciplinary journal devoted to questions of retirement and ageing
says the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, represented by its State Secretary Prof. Dr. Frieder Meyer-Krahmer.
„Wir wollen mehr über das Alter lernen“, sagt Prof. Dr. Frieder Meyer-Krahmer, Staatssekretär im Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.
Special Issue of Retraite & Société based on SHARE data