SHARE in the Media

SHARE in the Media

SHARE regularly attracts attention in international media, especially due to its research results.

SHARE's mentions in the media from all over the world

2024 Selection

  • Suurem suhtlusvõrgustik mõjub hästi naiste elulemusele (A larger social network has a positive effect on women's survival), 04.06.2024
  • "Det må da være formålet med politik" ("That must be the purpose of politics"), 18.05.2024
  • Δύο γενιές στον λαβύρινθο της μοναξιάς (Two generations in the labyrinth of loneliness), 19.04.2024
  • Tyrimas: senjorų gyvenimo kokybė Lietuvoje gerėja (Research: the quality of life of senior citizens is improving in Lithuania), 18.04.2024
  • ASU study shows middle-aged Americans are lonelier than European peers, 18.03.2024
  • When are you planning to retire?, 11.03.2024
  • Projection et répartition de la perte d’autonomie à horizon 2030 (Projection and distribution of loss of autonomy by 2030), 26.02.2024
  • Study finds women more likely than men to suffer from long COVID, 19.02.2024
  • We groeien flink, maar vroeger krompen we ook (We are growing a lot, but in the past we also shrank), 25.01.2024
  • Families are shrinking, thinning out, and becoming more vertical, 14.01.2024

2023 Selection

  • Oudere werknemers en beslissingen over pensioen in België: analyse op basis van enquêtegegevens (Older workers and retirement decisions in Belgium: analysis based on survey data), 14.12.2023
  • L'emploi des seniors dépend de l'environnement de travail (Employment of seniors depends on the work environment), 14.12.2023
  • Aider ses parents et ses enfants: la charge mentale de la génération «sandwich» (Helping your parents and children: the mental burden of the “sandwich” generation), 05.12.2023
  • El Banco de España advierte de que la salud podría limitar el retraso de la jubilación (The Bank of Spain warns that health could limit the delay in retirement), 30.11.2023
  • Health shocks make the elderly less likely to ‘age in place’, 06.11.2023
  • Síndrome del abuelo esclavo, lo que tienen que saber (Slave grandfather syndrome - what you need to know), 25.10.2023
  • Unlocking the Global Secret to Senior Happiness: The Surprising Power of Hobbies, scitechdaily,com 17.10.2023
  • Eltern, Akademiker, Migranten – das sind Deutschlands glücklichste Menschen (Parents, academics, migrants – these are Germany’s happiest people), 06.10.2023
  • Hobbies Are The Secret To Happiness? Pleasurable Activities Help Older Adults Avoid Depression,, 06.10.2023
  • The UK re-joining the Horizon research funding scheme benefits Europe too – the data backs it up,, 20.09.2023
  • Hobbies linked to lower depression levels among older people, 11.09.2023
  • Wer so viele Kinder hat, altert schneller (People with many children age faster), 07.09.2023
  • Renteneintrittsalter beeinflusst das Sparverhalten (Retirement age influences savings behavior), 31.08.2023
  • Cardiovascular disease cost the European Union economy €282bn in 2021, 26.08.2023
  • Verändertes Sparverhalten durch Rentenreform (Changed savings behavior through pension reform), 17.08.2023
  • Ambienti inclusivi e il lavoro migliora (Inclusive environments and work improves), 17.08.2023
  • Se si alza l’età della pensione, si disincentiva la natalità (If the retirement age is raised, the birth rate is discouraged), 12.08.2023
  • Dominika Šeblová: Demenci lze předcházet i vzděláváním (Dominika Šeblová: Dementia can also be prevented through education), 09.08.2023
  • Um retrato socioeconómico: esta é a realidade das famílias portuguesas (A socioeconomic portrait: this is the reality of Portuguese families), 02.08.2023
  • Beatriz Rodríguez, investigadora: “Estar muy alejado ideológicamente del Gobierno del país aumenta el riesgo de depresión” (Beatriz Rodríguez, researcher: "Being very ideologically removed from the country's government increases the risk of depression"), 14.07.2023
  • Für eine globale Metropole: Jeder Cent für Berlins Wissenschaft zählt (For a global metropolis: Every cent counts for Berlin science), 27.06.2023
  • Balanco Social: os elos mais fracos (Social Balance: the weakest links), 15.06.2023
  • Heavy drinking could raise your risk for frailty- study, 25.05.2023
  • 4 habits to help you stay mentally sharp in retirement, 14.05.2023
  • Relatório “Portugal, Balanço Social 2022” atualiza impacto da pandemia e discute custo de vida ("Portugal, Social Balance 2022" report updates pandemic impact and discusses cost of living), 16.05.2023
  • It is time for better care at the end of life: a worldwide call to action from the OECD, 16.05.2023
  • Care-Arbeit: Warum „Who cares?” keine Ausrede mehr ist- mit Magdalena Gerum (Care Work: Why 'Who cares?' is no longer an excuse"), 09.05.2023
  • Können zu viele Kinder unser Gehirn beeinträchtigen? (Could having many children affect our brain?), 03.05.2023
  • il ruolo cruciale dei partner e dei figli nelle prevenzione delle pandemie (Covid-19, the crucial role of partners and children in pandemic prevention), 21.03.2023
  • Meno bambini, più nonni, e loro sono la forza per cura educazione (Less children, more grandparents and they are the strength for care and education), 26.01.2023
  • Home Alone: Widows’ Well-Being and Time, 20.01.2023
  • Cijenjeni profesor čija je studija uzdrmala zdravstvo: 'Imamo previše bolnica, a njima upravlja previše politički podobnih doktora" ('We have too many hospitals, and they are managed by too many politically eligible doctors"), 06.01.2023

2022 Selection

  • Sociala relationer främjar hälsosamt åldrande i Europa (Social relationships promote healthy ageing in Europe), 02.12.2022
  • Sport e inclusione sociale, risorsa e speranza per un’Europa sempre più anziana: come la vecchiaia può non essere un problema sociale (Sport and social inclusion, resource and hope for an ageing Europe: how old age may not be a social problem), 27.11.2022
  • Bătrânii României, mai săraci și mai bolnavi decât vârstnicii UE. Statisticile arată că bunicii noștri duc o bătrânețe grea și tristă (Romania's elderly, poorer and sicker than the EU's elderly. Statistics show that our grandparents live a hard and sad old age), 07.11.2022
  • Research gives new perspectives on social isolation in older age, 01.11.2022
  • Study reveals surprising temporal relationship between cognitive function and physical activity, 30.10.2022 (Dublette:
    Spanish: Un estudio descubre una sorprendente relación temporal entre la función cognitiva y la actividad física, 31.10.2022
  • Curare da solo un genitore non autosufficiente può portare alla depressione (Caring alone for a dependent parent can lead to depression), 25.10.2022
  • El covid empeoró la salud mental de las cuidadoras (Covid worsened the mental health of caregivers), 04.10.2022)
  • Ce planuri au guvernanții pentru bunicii dependenți de familie (What the government plans for grandparents dependent on family), 19.09.2022
  • Bătrânii din România, mai săraci și mai bolnavi decât vârstnicii UE. Indicatorii sumbri ai unei senectuți scurte și triste (Romania's elderly, poorer and sicker than the EU's elderly: bleak indicators of a short and sad old age), 15.09.2022
  • Österreich: Wissenschaftsministerium finanziert europäische sozialwissenschaftliche Datenerhebungen, 31.08.2022
  • Perdre un proche du Covid-19, rien de pire pour sa santé mentale (Losing a loved one to Covid-19, nothing worse for your mental health), 30.08.2022
  • ¿Los abuelos malcrían a los nietos? (Do grandparents spoil grandchildren?), 29.08.2022
  • Estudio asegura que abuelos que cuidan a sus nietos viven más (Grandparents who care for grandchildren live longer, study shows), 27.08.2022
  • Abuelos que cuidan a sus nietos viven más, según estudio (Grandparents who care for grandchildren live longer, study shows), 27.08.2022
  • Curarsi di chi cura (Caring for those who care), 20.08.2022
  • Having a partner more important than children to stave off loneliness, 17.08.2022 
  • Unpartnered older adults remain at higher risk for loneliness during the pandemic, 16.08.2022 
  • Having a Partner More Important Than Children to Staving Off Loneliness During Pandemic, New Study Finds, 16.08.2022
  • Tiina Tambaum: me vajame pensioneerumise kompetentsikeskust (Tiina Tambaum: we need a pensions competence centre), 11.08.2022
  • IAQ zu chronischen Erkrankungen: Ein Karrierekiller, 05.08.2022
  • Having a partner more important than children to staving off loneliness during pandemic, new study finds, 03.08.2022
  • Tyrimas: pandemija vyresniems darbuotojams atnešė bene didžiausią nesaugumo jausmą Europoje (Study: Pandemic has brought perhaps the greatest sense of insecurity to older workers in Europe), 01.08.2022
  • Podcastserie „Ach, Mensch!“: Stefan Gruber über europäische Migration: Zahlt sich Migration in Europa aus?, 27.07.2022
  • Abuelos y nietos: Qué hacer si son consentidores con mis hijos (Grandparents and grandchildren: What to do if they are spoiling my children), 26.07.2022
  • La cura dei genitori anziani aumenta i rischi di depressione, soprattutto per le donne (Caring for elderly parents increases the risk of depression, especially for women), 25.07.2022
  • S’occuper de parents âgés et malades sans aide de l’État nuit à la santé mentale (Caring for elderly and sick relatives without state support damages mental health), 25.07.2022 
  • Endlich Rentner - So zufrieden sind Deutschlands Senioren, WELTplus 21.07.2022
  • Cognitive ability in older adults is dependant on family size, study finds, 30.06.2022
  • Des millions de seniors continuent à travailler pour leur plus grand bonheur. Reportage sur cette autre réalité d’un dossier brûlant (Millions of older people continue to work to their heart's content. Report on this other reality of a burning issue), 26.06.2022
  • Advierten que demasiada confianza en tu salud puede ponerte en riesgo (They warn that too much confidence in your health can put you at risk), 17.06.2022
  • Study demonstrates mental health changes in the adult European population during the COVID-19 pandemic, 08.06.2022
  • Studie zeigt Veränderungen der psychischen Gesundheit in der erwachsenen europäischen Bevölkerung während der COVID-19-Pandemie, 08.06.2022
  • Too much confidence can be bad for your health, 01.06.2022
  • Zu viel Selbstvertrauen kann die Gesundheit gefährden, 31.05.2022
  • Avere più di due figli fa invecchiare il cervello di sei anni (Having more than two children ages the brain by six years), 27.05.2022
  • Columbia University: Family Size May Influence Cognitive Functioning In Later Life, Columbia University 12.05.2022
  • Social isolation can cause depression for middle-aged and older adults, 03.05.2022
  • Study: Social isolation is a leading depression risk for middle-aged and older adults, Colorado State University 02.05.2022
  • Zu jung für die Rente, 26.04.2022
  • Ključni cilj družbe bi moral biti blaginja za kar največ ljudi (A key objective of society should be prosperity for as many people as possible), 13.04.2022
  • Europäischer Forschungsverbund SHARE künftig am Standort Berlin, Ärzteblatt 30.03.2022 
  • Neues Forschungsinstitut für Berlin,, (MIL-OSI Translation: New research institute for 29.03.2022
  • Samhällsengagemang för marginaliserade grupper (Community involvement for marginalized groups), 18.03.2022
  • Internet usage boosts cognitive function of retirees, finds study, 14.03.2022
  • Enviudar afecta seriamente a la salud (Widowhood seriously affects health), 13.03.2022 
  • Yli 60-vuotiaiden parisuhdehistoriat muistuttavat toisiaan (The relationship histories of people over 60 are similar to each other), väestö 08.03.2022
  • En Belgique, les résidents d’une maison de repos ont 50 % de risques en plus de mourir dans les deux ans que s’ils étaient restés chez eux (In Belgium, nursing home residents are 50% more likely to die within two years than if they had stayed at home), 06.03.2022
  • Les 50 ans et plus, interviewés à Bruxelles et en Wallonie (People aged 50 and over, interviewed in Brussels and Wallonia), 04.03.2022 
  • Com influeix l’educació i la trajectòria familiar en la sensació de solitud de les dones quan són grans? (How do education and family background influence women’s feeling of loneliness when they are older? 19.02.2022
  • ¿Cómo influye la educación y la trayectoria familiar en la sensación de soledad de las mujeres cuando son mayores? (How do education and family history influence women's feeling of loneliness when they are older?), 15.02.2022
  • La educación y la trayectoria familiar en la sensación de soledad (Education and family history in the feeling of loneliness), 14.02.2022
  • “Az Hajt, Hogy Nemzetközi Szinten Is Látható Legyek” - Interjú Bíró Anikóval (“The Drive to Be Visible at International Level” - Interview with Anikó Bíró), 10.02.2022
  • Unterschied zu Dänemark und Großbritannien: Halb Europa öffnet und Deutschland guckt zu - schuld ist das 3-Millionen-Problem (Difference to Denmark and Great Britain: Half of Europe is opening and Germany just watches - blame 3 million problem), 08.02.2022
  • Salute infantile e disuguaglianze culturali: le donne pagano il prezzo (Child Health and Cultural Inequalities: Women Pay the Price), 09.02.2022
  • Kesehatan Anak dan Ketidaksetaraan Budaya: Wanita Membayar Harganya (Child Health and Cultural Inequality: Women Pay the Price), 08.02.2022
  • Childhood Health and Cultural Inequalities: Women Pay the Price, 07.02.2022
  • Osteoarthritis: Social deprivation may affect psychological health, 01.02.2022
  • Social deprivation may affect psychological health and make daily activities more challenging for people with osteoarthritis, 31.01.2022
  • על אנשי סוד ורשתות חברתיות (About confidants and social networks), 24.01.2022
  • Studie "50+": Finanziell schlechter gestellte Menschen sind häufiger ungeimpft (Study "50+": Financially disadvantaged people are more likely to be unvaaccinated), rbb 17.01.2022
  • A book-filled childhood prevents later cognitive decline, 12.01.2022
  • Health Fears Can Increase Pandemic Isolation Habits in Older Europeans, 11.01.2022
  • COVID-19 collateral damage-psychological burden and behavioural changes among older adults during the first outbreak in Stockholm, Sweden: a cross-sectional study, 11.01.2022; 07.01.2022

2021 Selection

  • Health: Are the dice rolled before ten years of age?, 30.12.2021
  • Il gender gap delle pensioni (The gender gap of pensions), 20.12.2021
  • Daily tasks are ‘more problematic’ for women than men in old age, 03.12.2021
  • In Osteuropa ist die Impfskepsis wesentlich größer als im Westen (Vaccination skepticism is much greater in Eastern Europe than in the West), 02.12.2021
  • ¿Cómo nos afecta a la salud enviudar? Un estudio analiza cómo se afronta el duelo según el sexo, la edad y el país (How does being widowed affect our health? A study analyzes how grief is faced according to sex, age and country) 28.11.2021
  • Quel effet de la pratique d’activités socialisées des seniors sur l’âge d’entrée en dépendance? (What effect does the practice of socialized activities of seniors have on the age of entry into dependency?), 25.11.2021
  • Zuckerbrot und Spritze – Wie umgehen mit den Ungeimpften? (Carrot and syringe - How to deal with the unvaccinated?), 25.11.2021
  • Can growing up surrounded by books protect against old-age dementia?, 25.11.2021
  • Kuva ikääntyvien suomalaisten parisuhdetyytyväisyydestä laajenee (The picture of relationship satisfaction among older Finns is expanding) 22.11.2021
  • Mivel járhat, ha kötelezővé teszik a koronavírus elleni oltást? (What could be the consequences of making the vaccination against coronavirus mandatory?) 22.11.2021
  • Jakie czynniki demograficzne wpływają na zaszczepienie się przeciwko COVID-19? (What demographic factors influence the COVID-19 vaccination?) 22.11.2021
  • Trotz milder Maßnahmen: Warum die Schweizer Impfgegner so laut sind (Despite mild measures: Why Swiss vaccination opponents are so vocal), 20.11.2021
  • Wpływ sytuacji społeczno-ekonomicznej na akceptację szczepień przeciw COVID-19 (The impact of the socio-economic situation on the acceptance of vaccination against COVID-19) 19.11.2021
  • Enviudar afecta seriamente a la salud (Being widowed seriously affects health) 16.11.2021
  • ההשפעה של מצבי לחץ וטראומה על מבוגרים (The effect of stress and trauma on adults) 15.11.2021
  • Enviudar afecta seriamente a la salud (Being widowed seriously affects health) 13.11.2021
  • Studien geben Auskunft: Bildung, Alter und politische Einstellung - wer sind die 18 Millionen Ungeimpften? (Studies provide information: Education, age and political views - who are the 18 million unvaccinated?), 11.11.2021
  • Wirtschaftliche Situation, Herkunft und Bildung: Wer sind die Ungeimpften in Deutschland? (Economic situation, origin and education: Who are the unvaccinated in Germany?), 10.11.2021
  • Studien geben Aufschluss: Das sind die Ungeimpften (Studies provide insight: These are the unvaccinated), 09.11.2021
  • ¿Por qué enviudar afecta seriamente a la salud? (Why does being a widow seriously affect health?) 09.11.2021
  • Enviudar afecta seriamente a la salud (Being widowed seriously affects health) 08.11.2021
  • Så ändrade äldre européer sina aktiviteter under pandemin (This is how older Europeans changed their activities during the pandemic) 08.11.2021
  • Siromaštvo i obrazovanje utječu na odluku o cijepljenju kod starijih od 50 godina (Poverty and education influence the decision to vaccinate among people aged 50 and older) Moje Vrijeme 05.11.2021
  • Pandemia teve “impacto significativo” nos idosos. Saúde mental é das áreas mais afetadas (Pandemic had “significant impact” on the elderly. Mental health is one of the most affected areas) 05.11.2021
  • 朋友太多,抑郁的可能性会变高|每日罐头 (Too many friends, the possibility of depression will increase) 04.11.2021
  • 朋友太多,抑郁的可能性会变高 (Too many friends, the possibility of depression will increase|Daily canned food) 03.11.2021
  • Началось исследование здоровья и благополучия людей старшего возраста (Research on the health and well-being of older people has begun) 03.11.2021
  • Hoe meer boeken je als kind in huis had, hoe kleiner de kans dat je op latere leeftijd dementie krijgt (The more books you had at home as a child, the less likely you are to develop dementia later in life) 02.11.2021
  • Internet poprawia sprawność umysłową emerytów (The Internet improves the mental fitness of retirees) 02.11.2021
  • La question du jour. Vieillir à domicile est-il un impératif pour vous ? (Question of the day. Is ageing at home an imperative for you?), 30.10.2021
  • Vieillir chez soi, un idéal qui a ses limites (Aging at home, an ideal that has its limits) 30.10.2021
  • Korona-ajan rasitteet yli 50-vuotiaille ennakoitua vähäisempiä (The burden of the corona period for those over 50 is lower than expected) 29.10.2021
  • Interview für Deutschlandfunk: Wer sind die Ungeimpften? (Interview for Deutschlandfunk: Who are the unvaccinated?) 29.10.2021
  • Kolumni rokottamattomista, ravintoloista, koronapassista, älämölöstä, snowflake-pääministeristä ja kuinka virus tottelee Suomen hallitusta (A column about unvaccinated, restaurants, corona passports, crap, snowflake prime minister and how the virus obeys the Finnish government) 26.10.2021
  • Perhebarometri: Yli 50-vuotiaiden parisuhteiden kirjo on laaja (Family Barometer: The spectrum of relationships over the age of 50 is wide) 25.10.2021
  • There's a yawning gap in the plan to keep older Australians working, 24.10.2021
  • Kto się nie szczepi? Wyniki europejskiego badania jasno to wskazują (Who doesn't get vaccinated? The results of the European study clearly show this) 24.10.2021
  • Abuelos y nietos: Qué hacer si son consentidores con mis hijos (Grandparents and grandchildren: What to do if they are consenting with my children), 20.10.2021
  • Neue Umfragedaten: Österreich hat im EU-Vergleich besonders viele überzeugte Impfverweigerer (New survey data: Austria has a particularly high number of convinced vaccination refusers in an EU comparison), 19.10.2021
  • Κοροναϊός – Εμβόλια – Στους 65+ ο σκληρός πυρήνας των αντιεμβολιαστών (Coronavirus - Vaccines - At 65+ the hard core of anti-vaccines), 18.10.2021
  • Ειδήσεις: Εμβόλια – Στους 65+ ο σκληρός πυρήνας των αντιεμβολιαστών (News: Vaccines - At 65+ the hard core of vaccines), 18.10.2021
  • Πανευρωπαϊκή έρευνα για τους αρνητές: Στους 65+ ο σκληρός πυρήνας των αντιεμβολιαστών - «Πεισματάρηδες» οι Έλληνες (Pan-European survey of deniers: At 65+ the hard core of anti-vaccines - "Stubborn" Greeks), 16.10.2021
  • Saksalaistutkimus selvitti yli 50-vuotiaiden rokotusvastaisuuden taustatekijöitä: kärjessä köyhyys ja työttömyys (German study examines underlying factors of vaccination against people over the age of 50: poverty and unemployment at the forefront), 12.10.2021
  • Das sind die Länder mit den meisten Impfverweigerern (These are the countries with the most vaccination refusals), 12.10.2021
  • Wer sind die Ungeimpften? (Who are the unvaccinated?), 12.10.2021
  • Eläkkeelle jääminen lisää isovanhempien lastenlasten hoitamiseen käyttämää aikaa (Retirement increases the time parents spend caring for their grandchildren), 12.10.2021
  • Which older people refuse to be vaccinated?, 11.10.2021
  • Max-Planck-Studie: Das sind die Länder mit den meisten Impfverweigerern (Max Planck Study: These are the countries with the most vaccination refusals), 11.10.2021
  • Europaweite Studie zu soziodemografischen Faktoren der Impfbereitschaft – Welche älteren Menschen lassen sich nicht impfen? (Europe-wide study on sociodemographic factors of vaccination readiness – Which older people do not get vaccinated?), 11.10.2021
  • Von wegen Midlife-Crisis: Die beste Zeit im Leben beginnt mit 30 Jahren (Midlife crisis, as if: The best time in life begins at 30), 08.10.2021
  • Studie: Dieses Alter war für viele Menschen die glücklichste Zeit ihres Lebens (Study: This age was the happiest time of life for many people), 08.10.2021
  • Who are the unvaccinated?, 08.10.2021
  • Wer sind die Ungeimpften? (Who are the unvaccinated?), 07.10.2021
  • Jedes Kind kostet (doch) einen Zahn (Every child does cost a tooth (after all)), 07.10.2021
  • In diesem Alter erlebst du die besten Jahre deines Lebens (At this age you experience the best years of your life), 06.10.2021
  • Psychologie: Welche Lebensjahre sind die besten? (Psychology: Which years of life are the best?), 06.10.2021
  • How online life affects the brain of older people, 06.10.2021
  • Internetsurfen in der Pension ist gut fürs Gehirn (Internet surfing in retirement is good for the brain),, 05.10.2021
  • Kognition: Internet in der Pension verbessert Merkfähigkeit (Cognition: Internet in retirement improves memory), 05.10.2021
  • Europas Pensionisten dank Internet länger fit (Europe's pensioners fit longer thanks to the internet), 05.10.2021
  • Cientistas querem “medidas urgentes” contra “epidemia de solidão” (Scientists want "urgent measures" against "epidemic of loneliness"), 04.10.2021
  • Investigadores pedem “medidas urgentes” para combater “epidemia de solidão” (Investigators call for "urgent measures" to combat "epidemic of loneliness"), 02.10.2021
  • Il 2 ottobre è la Festa dei nonni: ecco l'origine e il ruolo dei più anziani nelle famiglie (October 2 is the Grandparents' Day: this is the origin and role of the elderly in families), 02.10.2021
  • Greater access to books in childhood 'helps stave of dementia in later life', 02.10.2021
  • The more books you have as a child, the less likely you are to get dementia, study shows, 02.10.2021
  • COVID-19: Časté ztráty práce a odklad zdravotní péče (COVID-19: Frequent job losses and postponement of health care), 30.09.2021
  • Internet poprawia sprawność umysłową emerytów (The Internet improves the mental performance of retirees), 29.09.2021
  • Mental Health: Think You Spend Too Much Time on the Internet? It May Actually Keep Your Brain Sharp as You Age, 29.09.2021
  • インターネットは健康に良い、退職後の利用が認知機能の維持に効果的 (The Internet is good for your health, and its use after retirement is effective in maintaining cognitive function.), 29.09.2021
  • Using internet in retirement boosts cognitive function, 28.09.2021
  • Study: Using the Internet may help seniors stay sharp after retirement, 28.09.2021
  • La infancia y juventud condicional la situación socioeconómica de las personas a partir de los 50 años (Childhood and youth conditional on the socioeconomic situation of people from 50 years of age), 27.09.2021
  • Retired and Want to Stay Sharp? Hop on the Internet More Often, 27.09.2021
  • Naukowcy: Internet działa na starsze osoby niczym lekarstwo (Researchers: The Internet works like a medicine for older people), 27.09.2021
  • Internet poprawia sprawność umysłową emerytów (The Internet improves the mental fitness of retirees), 27.09.2021
  • Retired and Want to Stay Sharp? Hop on the Internet More Often, 27.09.2021
  • Internet poprawia sprawność umysłową emerytów (The Internet improves the mental fitness of retirees), 26.09.2021
  • Internet poprawia sprawność umysłową emerytów (The Internet improves the mental fitness of retirees), 26.09.2021
  • Retirees using the internet get a boost to cognitive function, 23.09.2021
  • Are you retired? Keep using the internet!, 23.09.2021
  • Corona: Senioren zagen of hoorden kinderen niet minder (Seniors saw or heard children no less), 23.09.2021
  • Senioren zagen hun volwassen kinderen even vaak of zelfs vaker tijdens coronazomer (Seniors saw their adult children just as often or even more often during corona summer), 22.09.2021
  • Senioren zagen hun volwassen kinderen even vaak of zelfs vaker tijdens coronazomer (Seniors saw their adult children just as often or even more often during corona summer), 22.09.2021
  • ผู้สูงอายุที่ท่องโลกอินเทอร์เน็ตหลังเกษียณเป็นประจำ มีแนวโน้มการทำงานของสมองด้านการรู้คิดที่ดีกว่า (Elderly people who regularly surf the Internet after retirement have a tendency for better cognitive functioning of the brain), 22.09.2021
  • Using internet in retirement boosts cognitive function, 21.09.2021
  • La situación socioeconómica de las personas mayores de 50 se gesta desde muchos años antes (The socio-economic situation of the over 50s is already developing many years earlier), 21.09.2021
  • Une chose que vous pouvez faire au cours de la retraite pour booster la fonction cognitive - nouvelle étude (One thing you can do in retirement to boost cognitive function - new study), 21.09.2021
  • One thing you can do during retirement to boost cognitive function - new study, 21.09.2021
  • Using internet in retirement boosts cognitive function, 20.09.2021
  • Using internet in retirement boosts cognitive function -- new research, 20.09.2021
  • Internet usage boosts cognitive function of retirees, finds study, 20.09.2021
  • Why retire? Because we can, 01.09.2021
  • Grip strength may help predict depression, 18.08.2021
  • Estrategias en salud mental, una necesidad ante el envejecimiento de la población (Mental health strategies, a necessity in the face of an aging population), 19.07.2021
  • El estudio del ISCIII sobre soledad y buena salud mental en mayores publicará sus conclusiones a finales de año (The ISCIII study on loneliness and good mental health in the elderly will publish its conclusions at the end of the year), 19.07.2021
  • How to Measure Years of Good Life, 29.06.2021
  • Koronan inhimillisiä vaikutuksia yli 50-vuotiaisiin kartoittava kansainvälinen tutkimus jälleen käyntiin (An international study mapping the impact of corona on people aged 50+ is on the way again), 26.06.2021
  • Svaki deseti stariji građanin tvrdi da mu se zdravlje tijekom pandemije – pogoršalo (Every tenth senior citizen claims that his health deteriorated during the pandemic), 22.06.2021
  • Koronan inhimillisiä vaikutuksia yli 50-vuotiaisiin kartoittava kansainvälinen tutkimus jälleen käyntiin (An international study mapping the impact of corona on people aged 50+ is on the way again), 22.06.2021
  • Grandparents’ Day 2020: games, jobs, poetry drawings, gifts, 29.05.2021
  • Gewichtszunahme schützt die Wahrnehmung nicht (Weight Gain Does Not Protect Cognition), 26.05.2021
  • Le gain de poids ne protège pas la cognition (Weight Gain Does Not Protect Cognition), 26.05.2021
  • Q&A: Making a smart autoinjector more sustainable, 26.05.2021
  • Ny rapport: Ensomhed er den mest livsforringende omstændighed (New report: Loneliness is the most life-threatening circumstance), 08.05.2021
  • COVINFORM joined forces with its sister projects to increase impact in mitigating the risks of the COVID-19 pandemic, 07.05.2021
  • הנפשית של אוכלוסיית המבוגרים במשבר הקורונה (The mental health of the adult population in the corona crisis), 04.05.2021
  • מחקר: קשר מקוון - פוגע במבוגרים (Research: Online contact harms adults), 04.05.2021
  • ?הזום הועיל? באמת (Did the zoom work? really?), ( 04.05.2021
  • Wirtschaftsforscher über Coronafolgen: »Die Jüngeren werden für die Pandemie bezahlen«, 22.04.2021
  • Higher Body Weight No Help for Senior Brains, 22.04.2021
  • Higher Body Weight No Help for Senior Brains: Analysis of European data offers no support for obesity paradox in cognition, 21.04.2021
  • The 'obesity paradox' may be a myth: Extra weight in old age may not protect cognition, 21.04.2021
  • Consequences of COVID-19 Outbreak on Mental Health, 19.04.2021
  • The Economics of Aging and the Frailty Index, 17.04.2021
  • La soledad puede provocar fragilidad? (Can loneliness cause fragility?), 05.04.2021
  • Investigadores de la UPNA analizan la desigualdad de oportunidades de mayores dependientes para acceder a cuidados (UPNA researchers analyze the inequality of opportunities for elderly dependents to access care), 30.03.2021
  • First results from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe, 22.03.2021
  • Et enkelt øjeblik tæller ikke (A single moment does not count), 20.03.2021
  • Welfare: le donne “pagano” di più: le misure del lockdown hanno inciso negativamente (Welfare: women "pay" more: the lockdown measures had a negative impact), 13.03.2021
  • Suomalaiset elämänkaaret: tuoreita tutkimustuloksia väestön ikääntymisestä (Finnish life cycles: recent research results on population aging), 11.03.2021
  • La pandemia pagata dalle donne (The pandemic paid for by women), 08.03.2021
  • Latvian seniors less depressed than Baltic neighbors, study shows, 03.03.2021
  • Badanie: dlaczego Polacy przechodzą na emeryturę? (Study: Why do Poles retire?), 25.02.2021, 26.02.2021
  • Koronavírus: mutatjuk, melyik intézkedést szegik meg legtöbben és melyiket tartják be Európában (Coronavirus: we show which measures are being violated by most and which are being followed in Europe), 24.02.2021
  • Bíró Anikó és Elek Péter cikke a KRTK Blogban a Portfolion – A téma: az egyes óvintézkedéseket milyen arányban vagyunk hajlandóak megtenni? (Bíró Anikó and Péter Elek's article in the KRTK Blog on Portfolio - The topic: in what proportion are we willing to take certain precautions?), 23.02.2021
  • Popołudnie RDC: SHARE: 50+ w Europie (Afternoon RDC: SHARE: 50+ in Europe), 16.02.2021
  • Many Older Israelis Want to Continue Working After Pension Age, But Ageism and Finding Suitable Jobs Deter Them, 16.02.2021
  • Understanding how having children can affect your health, 15.02.2021
  • When I’m 54… Scientists working on 'portraits' of 50+ generation in Europe, 15.02.2021
  • Frauen leiden anders, Männer auch, 15.02.2021
  • Regular exercise can improve brain function by up to 15%: Study, 12.02.2021
  • Greater muscle strength associated with lower risk of COVID-19 hospitalization, 04.02.2021
  • Familiares de doentes com cancro recorrem mais aos serviços de saúde (Family members of cancer patients make more use of health services), 04.02.2021
  • COVID’s mental-health toll: how scientists are tracking a surge in depression, 03.02.2021
  • Ensomhed under pandemien knyttes til forværret mental sundhed (Loneliness during the pandemic is linked to deteriorating mental health), 30.01.2021
  • Miten suomalaiset ikääntyneet voivat kansainvälisesti verrattuna? (How can Finnish seniors compare internationally?), 29.01.2021
  • Feeling lonely during the pandemic? You’re up to ten times more likely to have worse mental health, 27.01.2021
  • 'Super-aged' Malaysia by 2056: What we need to do, 24.01.2021
  • Latvija piedalīsies apsekojumā par veselību, novecošanos un pensionēšanos Eiropā (Latvia will participate in the Survey on Health, Aging and Retirement in Europe), 21.01.2021
  • New Report Suggests Financial Distress More Damaging to the Wellbeing of the Self-employed, 20.01.2021
  • Money troubles are more damaging to well-being of the self-employed, 08.01.2021
  • Money troubles are more damaging to wellbeing of the self-employed, 06.01.2021
  • Bonds know no bounds, 06.01.2021

2020 Selection

  • Kannustaako hyvinvointivaltio tuntemattomien auttamiseen? (Does the welfare state encourage the help of strangers?), 27.12.2020
  • Fundación Mapfre reconoce investigación de la UC sobre desigualdad en mayores (Mapfre Foundation acknowledges UC research on inequality in older people) 16.12.2020
  • Fundación Mapfre reconoce 7 proyectos innovadores para mejorar la salud y la asistencia de los mayores (Mapfre Foundation recognises 7 innovative projects to improve the health and care of the elderly) 16.12.2020
  • Kevésbé aktívak és betegebbek a magyar nyugdíjasok nyugati kortársaiknál (Hungarian retirees are less active and sicker than their Western peers) 01.12.2020
  • People who experience early redundancy have poor health in later life, 19.11.2020
  • Comparing health care for older adults across 23 countries, 19.11.2020
  • Role of clinical, functional and social factors in the association between multimorbidity and quality of life: Findings from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE), 05.11.2020
  • Zabrinjavajuće: Svakoj se 10. osobi starijoj od 50 u koronakrizi pogoršalo zdravlje (Concerning: Health status in one out of ten persons aged 50 and older had deteriorated in the Corona crisis) , 30.10.2020
  • Social activity can be good for mental health, but whether you benefit depends on how many friends you have, 29.10.2020
  • Social exercise could be good for psychological well being, however whether or not you profit is determined by what number of mates you have got, 29.10.2020
  • Dia Mundial da Saúde Mental: “Há muito a fazer para combater estigmas” (World Mental Health Day: “There is a lot to do to combat stigmas”), 11.10.2020
  • UMinho debates impact of the pandemic on the mental health of the Portuguese, 10.10.2020
  • Universidade do Minho debate impacto da pandemia na saúde mental dos portugueses (University of Minho debates impact of the pandemic on the mental health of the Portuguese), 10.10.2020
  • Europaweite Befragung zu Gesundheit, Altern und Ruhestand, 08.10.2020
  • Festa dei nonni presso il Centro Diurno Santa Chiara e la RSSA Stella Maris (Grandparents' Day at the Santa Chiara Day Center and the RSSA Stella Maris), 03.10.2020
  • Un pueblo que no cuida a sus abuelos no tiene futuro (A town that does not take care of its grandparents has no future), 02.10.2020
  • Un pueblo que no cuida a sus abuelos no tiene futuro (A town that does not take care of their grandparents has no future), 02.10.2020
  • Un pueblo que no cuida a sus abuelos no tiene futuro: Papa Francisco (A town that does not take care of their grandparents has no future: Pope Francis), 02.10.2020
  • Monza: 4 nuovi Nonni Civici scendono in strada per la sicurezza dei più piccoli (Monza: 4 new Civic Grandparents take to the streets for the safety of the little ones), 02.10.2020
  • Regione Lombardia celebra i nonni, eroi dei nostri tempi (Lombardy Region celebrates grandparents, heroes of our times), 02.10.2020
  • Festa dei nonni, Fontana: lega nuovi rami a radici famiglia (Grandparents' Day, Fontana: links new branches to family roots), 02.10.2020
  • "I nonni pilastro della società" ("Grandparents pillar of society"), 02.10.2020
  • Festa dei nonni, auguri al pilastro dell’umanità (Grandparents' Day, greetings to the pillar of humanity), 02.10.2020
  • Sono stati e sono i più colpiti dal Covid, auguri a distanza a tutti i nonni (They have been and are the most affected by Covid, long-distance wishes to all grandparents), 02.10.2020
  • Festa die nonni, presidente regione: giornata che lega nuovi rami a radici di famiglia (Grandparent‘s Day, President of the Region: Day that links new branches to family roots), 02.10.2020
  • Oggi è la Festa dei nonni: il nostro "patrimonio straordinario, da non disperdere" (Today is Grandparents' Day: our "extraordinary heritage, must not to be lost"), 02.10.2020
  • Festa dei nonni, auguri a distanza fra fiori, poesie e palloncini (Grandparents' Day, long-distance wishes among flowers, poems and balloons), 02.10.2020
  • I nonni: baby sitter e ammortizzatori sociali delle famiglie di oggi (Grandparents: babysitters and social safety nets for today's families), 02.10.2020
  • Domani, 2 ottobre, sarà la Festa dei Nonni: a Roma momento celebrativo per ricordare le vittime Covid (Tomorrow, 2 October, will be the Grandparents' Day: in Rome a celebratory moment to remember the Covid victims), 01.10.2020
  • Festa dei Nonni. Il 2 ottobre la manifestazione di Senior Italia (Grandparents' Day. On 2 October the event of Senior Italia), 01.10.2020
  • Apoio domiciliário e a saúde do cônjuge (Home support and spouse's health), 24.09.2020
  • Festa dei nonni 2020: giochi, lavoretti, disegni poesie, regali (Grandparents' Day 2020: games, crafts, poetry drawings, gifts), 17.09.2020
  • Miljoner till Umeå universitet i europeiskt projekt om Covid-19 (Millions for Umeå University for European project on Covid-19), 14.09.2020
  • Studies Say People with Rheumatic Disease Face Work Challenges, 11.09.2020
  • Jedes Kind kostet (doch) einen Zahn, 18.08.2020
  • Europska unija daje 128 milijuna eura za 23 projekta vezana uz Covid, na tri rade Hrvati (The European Union provides 128 million euros to Covid-related projects, with Croats working on three) , 13.08.2020
  • EU-Kommission unterstützt Corona-Forschung mit 128 Millionen Euro, - (dpa) 11.08.2020
  • There's a yawning gap in the plan to keep older Australians working, 11.08.2020
  • Los mayores europeos subestiman los años que les quedan (Older Europeans underestimate their remaining years), 30.07.2020
  • Italien: Sterblichkeit hängt nur teils mit Großfamilien zusammen, 29.07.2020
  • Coronavirus: Enge Familienkontakte erhöhten Sterblichkeit nur bedingt, 29.07.2020
  • "Soziale Kontakte sind ein Puffer gegen Einschränkungen", 29.06.2020
  • Cognitive Decline Precedes Physical Decline in Older Adults, 22.06.2020
  • La importancia del cuidado de las personas mayores (The importance of caring for the elderly), 18.06.2020
  • Eakad jäävad digimaailmast eemale teadmatuse ja kehva koolituse tõttu (Older people are excluded from the digital world due to ignorance and poor training), 08.06.2020
  • 儿童节谈儿童照料:隔代抚养的全球趋势及中国特点 (Children's Day Talking about Child Care: Global Trends and Chinese Characteristics), 01.06.2020
  • Profesor koji istražuje 2.500 starijih: “Očekujemo val prijevremenog umirovljenja u Europi” (Professor researching 2,500 seniors: "We expect a wave of early retirement in Europe"), 19.05.2020
  • ¿La actividad física previene la disminución de las habilidades cognitivas o viceversa? (Does physical activity prevent the decrease of cognitive abilities or vice versa?), 14.05.2020
  • New Findings in Life Science Research Described from University of Lausanne (Associations of end-of-life preferences and trust in institutions with public support for assisted suicide evidence from nationally representative survey data of older …), 11.05.2020
  • The Strength of Family Ties and COVID-19, 06.04.2020
  • Study says cognitive ability influences physical ability, not the other way around, 31.03.2020
  • Un ‘hashtag’ para unir a nietos y abuelos en tiempos del coronavirus (A 'hashtag' to unite grandchildren and grandparents in times of the coronavirus), 28.03.2020
  • Reports from University of Ljubljana Provide New Insights into Family and Economic Issues (Subjective Quality of Life and Stock Market Participation of the Elderly: A Structural Equation Modelling Approach), 25.03.2020
  • Ejercitar el cerebro alarga la vida (Exercising the brain lengthens life), 25.03.2020
  • Cerebro o músculos, ¿qué se deteriora primero? (Brain or muscles, what deteriorates first?), 25.03.2020
  • Muscles et cerveau, qui entraîne qui? (Muscles and brain, who trains whom?), 24.03.2020
  • Brain or muscles, what do we lose first?, 24.03.2020
  • How Do People Plan for Old Age?, 19.03.2020
  • Los mayores europeos subestiman los años que les quedan (Older Europeans underestimate their remaining years), 18.03.2020
  • Rethinking mortality and how we plan for old age, 17.03.2020
  • Mennyit érdemes edzeni az egészségért? (How much is it worth to train for health?), 07.03.2020
  • Entérate: Abuelitos que cuidan a sus nietos tienen una vida más larga y evitan el Alzheimer (Find out: Grandparents who care for their grandchildren have a longer life and avoid Alzheimer's), 18.01.2020

2019 Selection

  • Abuelos que cuidan a sus nietos, ¿viven más? Esto dice la ciencia (Grandparents who care for their grandchildren, do they live longer? This says science), 27.12.2019
  • 'Elk kind kost een tand' - of is er iets anders aan de hand? ("Every child costs a tooth" - or is something else going on?), 05.12.2019
  • There's a yawning gap in the plan to keep older Australians working, 20.11.2019
  • There's a yawning gap in the plan to keep older Australians working, 19.11.2019
  • Como afecta la multimorbilidad la vida laboral y social de quienes la padecen (How multimorbidity affects the work and social life of those who suffer from it), 12.11.2019 
  • Ältere vertun sich in der Selbsteinschätzung (Older people make mistakes in self-assessment), 11.11.2019 
  • Cinco consejos para asegurarse un sueño profundo (Five tips to ensure a deep sleep), 09.11.2019 
  • ¡Cuida a tus nietos y verás buenos resultados! (Take care of your grandchildren and you will see good results!), 31.10.2019
  • Visual Dysfunction: An Underrecognized Symptom of Parkinson's?, 25.10.2019 
  • Analysis / Survey: Nearly a Quarter of Israeli Seniors Struggle to Get By, 16.10.2019
  • Measuring the Reliability of Self-Reported Behavior, 09.10.2019 
  • Kinder machen glücklich - wenn sie aus dem Haus sind (Having children makes you happy - once they have moved out of the house), 26.08.2019 
  • Allgemeines Wohlbefinden: Kinder machen glücklich – wenn sie aus dem Haus sind (General well-being: Having children makes you happy - once they have moved out of the house), 25.08.2019 
  • Kinder machen glücklich: Wenn sie aus dem Haus sind (Having children makes you happy - once they have moved out of the house), 25.08.2019 
  • Kinder machen glücklich: Wenn sie aus dem Haus sind (Having children makes you happy - once they have moved out of the house), 25.08.2019 
  • Wissenschaft: Kinder machen glücklich: Wenn sie aus dem Haus sind (Science: Having children makes you happy - once they have moved out of the house), 25.08.2019 
  • Wissenschaft: Kinder machen glücklich: Wenn sie aus dem Haus sind (Science: Having children makes you happy - once they have moved out of the house), 25.08.2019 
  • Kinder machen glücklich: Wenn sie aus dem Haus sind (Having children makes you happy - once they have moved out of the house), 25.08.2019 
  • Study: Having kids makes you happier, but not for a long time, 22.08.2019 
  • Having kids makes you happier -- once they've moved out, 20.08.2019 
  • Children make people happier – but only once they’ve left home, study finds, 19.08.2019 
  • El cuidado de los nietos ayuda a prevenir el deterioro cognitivo entre los mayors (Caring for grandchildren helps to prevent cognitive impairment among the elderly), 15.08.2019 
  • Europe is ageing! And so what?, 02.08.2019 
  • Wie Roboter den Arbeitsmarkt verändern (How robots change the job market), 29.07.2019 
  • El cuidado de los nietos ayuda a prevenir el deterioro cognitivo entre los mayores (Caring for grandchildren helps to prevent cognitive impairment among the elderly), 24.07.2019 
  • La Religion n'a Pas d'effet Sur la Dépression des Personnes âgées (Religion Has No Effect On The Depression Of The Elderly), 24.07.2019 
  • Fewer Awards of Disability Pension Result in More People Receiving Temporary Benefits, 08.07.2019
  • Survey: Estonian residents' involvement in education, employment among longest in Europe, 02.07.2019 
  • Forskerklummen: Der er et betydeligt uudnyttet arbejdskraftpotentiale hos ældre (Research: There is a significant untapped labor potential in the elderly), 20.05.2019
  • New vistas for survey charting Europe’s topography of age, 07.05.2019 
  • Les personnes âgées se portent globalement bien en Suisse (Older people are doing well overall in Switzerland), 06.05.2019
  • Multimorbidität im europäischen Vergleich – größter Anstieg in Deutschland (Multimorbidity in European comparison - largest increase in Germany), 24.04.2019
  • Healthcare Policy Researchers Find European Nations Falling Behind in Addressing Chronic Illness, 22.04.2019
  • El 40% de los españoles mayores de 50 convive con dos o más enfermedades (40% of Spaniards over 50 live with two or more diseases), 01.04.2019 / 02.04.2019
  • Smoking reduces due to tobacco control policies, 20.03.2019
  • Tobacco control policies linked to reduced smoking, 14.03.2019
  • Aktive Alte: Die Hälfte der Luxemburger Senioren macht regelmäßig Sport (Active seniors: Half of Luxembourg's senior citizens regularly exercise), 11.03.2019
  • Massive study finds strong correlation between "early affluence" and "faster cognitive drop" in old age, 02.03.2019
  • Ein Jobverlust macht auch Jahre danach noch krank (Job loss makes you sick even years later), 20.02.2019
  • Studie: Arbeitsplatzverlust beeinträchtigt Gesundheit langfristig (Study: Job loss affects health long term), 15.02.2019
  • People who experience early redundancy have poor health in later life, 25.01.2019
  • Una encuesta revela que los trabajadores mayores mantienen la productividad (A survey reveals that older workers maintain productivity), 18.01.2019
  • Un 14% de les persones majors de 65 anys d’Europa tenen discapacitat (14% of people over 65 in Europe have a disability), 08.01.2019

2018 Selection

  • Cómo ganar felicidad en los años de vida que las mujeres han conquistado a la vejez (How to gain happiness in the years of life that women have conquered in old age), 28.12.2018 
  • El 14 % de las personas mayores de 65 años de Europa tienen discapacidad (14% of people over 65 in Europe have a disability), 26.12.2018 
  • Trabalhadores mais velhos mantêm produtividade, aponta pesquisa (Older workers keep productivity, research says), 22.12.2018 
  • Aposentadoria não representa, necessariamente, melhora na saúde (Retirement does not necessarily represent an improvement in health), 19.12.2018
  • Trabalhadores mais velhos mantêm produtividade (Older workers maintain productivity), 18.12.2018
  • El 14 % de los mayores de 65 años de Europa tienen alguna discapacidad (14% of people over 65 in Europe have some disability), 18.12.2018
  • El 14% de los europeos mayores de 65 años tiene discapacidad según un estudio (14% of Europeans over 65 have disability according to a study), 18.12.2018
  • La soledad, un factor de riesgo para los mayors (Loneliness, a risk factor for the elderly), 01.10.2018
  • Día Internacional de los abuelitos (International Day of the grandparents), 01.10.2018
  • Childhood poverty may have lasting effects on cognitive skills in old age, 26.09.2018
  • Childhood Poverty Tied to Lower Cognition Late in Life - But no link to rates of cognitive decline, 26.09.2018
  • Finnish researcher surprised by grandfathers' active role in child care, 10.09.2018
  • REPORTE ESPECIAL: Ni mimados ni malcriados (SPECIAL REPORT: Neither spoiled nor bratty), 29.07.2018
  • Länderreise: Karliczek wirbt für starke Krebsforschung, 26.07.2018
  • Día de los Abuelos: Los juegos tradicionales de los abuelos con los que los nietos siguen divirtiéndose (Grandparent's Day: The traditional games of the grandparents with which the grandchildren are still having fun), 26.07.2018
  • Ni mimados ni malcriados: así son en realidad los niños que pasan mucho tiempo con sus abuelos (Neither spoiled nor depraved: This is about how the children actually are who spend a lot of time with their grandparents), 26.07.2018
  • Las mujeres europeas viven más años pero menos felices que los hombres (European women live longer but less happy than men), 04.06.2018
  • Naître pauvre, c’est vieillir en moins bonne santé (To be born poor leads to poorer health in age), 01.06.2018
  • Abuelos: Si cuidas a tus nietos pierdes libertad, pero ganas salud (Grandparents: If you care for your grandchildren you lose freedom, but you gain health), 29.05.2018
  • Critically ill ‘should not be made to die away from home’, 19.05.2018
  • Suche nach dem Glück: Frauen leben länger, Männer glücklicher, 19.05.2018
  • Eakatest ei peaks rääkima kui probleemist, vaid kui võimalusest (Elders should not be seen as a problem, but as an opportunity), 18.05.2018
  • The costs of child care around the world, 25.04.2018
  • "Jedes Kind kostet die Mutter einen Zahn", 13.04.2018
  • El estatus socio-económico durante los primeros años de vida es fundamental para la educación y la salud adulta (The socio-economic status during the first years of life is fundamental for education and adult health), 12.04.2018
  • Studie: Ältere Menschen mit Enkelkindern sind zufriedener mit ihrem Leben, 11.04.2018
  • Kostet jedes Kind die Mutter tatsächlich einen Zahn?, 04.04.2018
  • Tooth loss risk linked to bigger families, 29.03.2018
  • Kostet jedes Kind die Mutter wirklich einen Zahn?, 19.03.2018
  • Moms Who Have Larger Families Are More Likely To Lose Their Teeth - New Study Finds, But Don't Panic, 18.03.2018
  • Famílias grandes ligadas ao aumento do risco de perda dentária das mães (Having a large family is linked to an increased risk of dental loss of mothers), 16.03.2018
  • More kids, less teeth?, 16.03.2018
  • Schwangerschaft und Zähne: Warum es stimmt, dass jedes Kind einen Zahn kostet, 15.03.2018
  • Mutterschaft kostet tatsächlich einen Zahn, 15.03.2018
  • Neue statistische Verfahren: Kostet jedes Kind die Mutter einen Zahn?, 15.03.2018
  • Wissenschaft und Forschung: Kostet jedes Kind die Mutter tatsächlich einen Zahn?, 15.03.2018
  • Kein Mythos: Kinder beeinflussen Zähne der Mutter, 15.03.2018
  • Verband tussen tandverlies moeder en aantal kinderen (Relationship between tooth loss of mothers and their number of children), 15.03.2018
  • Salud ¿Qué hay de cierto en el dicho: 'ganar un hijo, perder un diente’? (Health: What is true in the saying: 'Gain a child, lose a tooth'?), 15.03.2018
  • Ученые доказали, что рождение ребенка ухудшает состояние зубов женщин (Scientists have proven that childbirth worsens women's dental health), 14.03.2018
  • More babies may mean fewer teeth for mum, 14.03.2018
  • Kostet jedes Kind die Mutter tatsächlich einen Zahn?, 14.03.2018
  • Kostet jedes Kind die Mutter tatsächlich einen Zahn?, 14.03.2018
  • Tooth loss risk for mums with more kids, 14.03.2018
  • Avoir une famille nombreuse ferait perdre plus de dents aux femmes (Having a large family makes women lose more teeth), 14.03.2018
  • Familles nombreuses: les mères auraient moins de dents (Large families: mothers have fewer teeth), 14.03.2018
  • Plus vous avez d'enfants, plus vous avez de problèmes de dents (The more children you have, the more problems with teeth you have), 14.03.2018
  • Parents' lives made more miserable by boomerang generation, 14.03.2018
  • How parents feel when adult children return to the empty nest, 14.03.2018
  • Larger families linked to heightened tooth loss risk for moms, 13.03.2018
  • Extending The Working Lives Of Seniors, 12.03.2018
  • Wie bleiben wir im Alter glücklich?, 09.03.2018
  • Family & Education: Empty-nesters 'resent boomerang kids', 08.03.2018
  • Boomerang children are problem that won't go away for parents, 07.03.2018
  • I segni indelebili sulla salute di un'infanzia disagiata (A disadvantaged childhood leaves indelible marks on health), 23.02.2018
  • Salud: Casi todo lo que te va a pasar está decidido cuando cumples 10 años (Health: Almost everything that will happen to you is decided when you turn 10 years old), 21.02.2018
  • Health: Are the dice rolled before ten years of age?, 21.02.2018
  • Infrastrutture di ricerca alla prova di EOSC, 21.02.2018
  • Et si tout se jouait avant 10 ans? (And if everything is decided before the age of 10?), 20.02.2018
  • Les conditions de vie durant l'enfance ont des effets sur la santé des adultes (Living conditions during childhood have effects on the health of adults), 20.02.2018
  • Ungleichheit geht unter die Haut, 20.02.2018
  • Gesundheit: Benachteiligte Kinder haben im Alter mehr Gesundheitsprobleme, 20.02.2018
  • Secuelas en la vejez de salud precaria en la infancia (The consequences of precarious health during childhood for adults), 20.02.2018
  • Poverty in childhood has long-term effects on health, especially among women, 15.02.2018
  • Opinião: Do envolvimento social e da solitude existencial nos mais velhos (About social involvement and existential solitude among the oldest ones), 04.02.2018
  • Warum wir zu wenig über Finanzen wissen - und was sich ändern muss, Brigitte 02.01.2018

Older Articles Selection



  • Ekzem, Heuschnupfen und Asthma im Multipack, 12.12.17
  • Previdenza. Invecchiare bene, una risorsa per i conti pubblici (Provision. Ageing well, a resource for public finance), 09.11.17
  • Uudishimu tippkeskus, (Curiosity Excellence Center: About one tenth of people over the age of 55 work for a job they do not want to do), 02.11.17
  • Badanie: 27 proc. Polaków w wieku 50+ dotkniętych ubóstwem (Study: 27% of Poles aged 50 and over affected by poverty), 19.10.17
  • World Mental Health Day: Maximize Your Hearing, Boost Your Mental Wellbeing betterhearing 04.10.2017
  • Kindertijd belangrijk voor gezondheid van gebit op latere leeftijd (Childhood is important for late-age health) nationalezorggids 04.10.2017
  • The Health Benefits of Having (and Being) Grandparents US News 13.09.2017
  • Brain fitness womankind 03.09.2017
  • Abuelos del siglo XXI: ¿y cuándo descansan? (Grandparents of the 21st Century: when do they rest?) El País 19.08.2017
  • Women’s cognitive ageing climaxes in gender-equal countries European Commission 05.08.2017
  • Geschlechtergleichstellung - Vorteil Mann oder Frau? 02.08.2017
  • Women living in gender-equal countries have better cognitive test scores, EurekAlert! 02.08.2017
  • Las mujeres muestran una ventaja cognitiva en los países con igualdad de género (Women show cognitive advantages in gender equal countries), RPP, 31.07.2017
  • Warum es uns so schwer fällt, unsere Eltern altern zu sehen, 03.07.2017
  • Die Bedeutung der Transkulturalität in der Medizin, 20.06.2017
  • How people are ageing in Europe (Interview with Ekaterina Markova of SHARE Bulgaria), TV Eurocom 23.05.2017
  • Mental health at all ages, Oxford University Press 22.05.2017
  • Югтъянха мш ьутбжья ь хцмтшщьярш, плняцаьядп уянлхряля ря цямлянаьядя Шьнпоя (Bulgaria is included in survey addressing ageing in Europe), Radio Bulgaria, 09.05.2017
  • Working Longer May Benefit Your Health, New York Times, 03.03.2017
  • Having a good education won't stop your memory from declining as you get older,, 22.02.2017


  • Selbstversuch: Es lohnt sich, im Alter den Anschluss nicht zu verlieren, NZZ, 25.12.2016
  • Ceric (Trieste) e Share (Monaco) la ricerca in Europa si rafforza (Ceric (Trieste) and Share (Monaco) research in Europe is strengthened), Friulisera, 25.10.2016
  • ESFRI Success Story: Extension of SHARE study allows for EU-wide country-comparisons, ESFRI, 21.10.2016
  • Scientists have found having adult kids stuck at home could create health benefits for parents, City A.M., 30.09.2016
  • Is intergenerational living the secret to good mental health in old age?, The FINANCIAL, 29.09.2016
  • Das Bild vom Altern ist veraltet, Der Standard, 13.09.2016
  • Buchrezension zu "Ageing in Europe - supporting policies for an inclusive society", socialnet Rezensionen, 31.08.2016
  • SHARE-Studie: Noch mehr Länder forschen mit zu alternden EU-Gesellschaften,, 18.07.2016
  • July Health Affairs: Increased cost sharing in European health systems, EurekAltert!, 06.07.2016
  • Jungs, lest Bücher, dann werdet ihr reich, 20minuten, 04.06.2016
  • Wer das als Kind tut, verdient später mehr Geld, freundin, 30.05.2016
  • Boys who live with books ‘earn more as adults’, The Guardian, 29.05.2016
  • Children who grow up surrounded by books ‘earn more as adults’ - study, The Telegraph, 29.05.2016
  • Even after death, spouse impacts your well-being, The Indian EXPRESS, 31.01.2016


  • Anti-Ageing, medianet -Wirtschaftsmagazin, 27.11.2015
  • Starker Zusammenhalt zwischen alter und junger Generation,, 30.10.2015
  • Nikt nie śpi tak jak Polacy (Nobody sleeps like Poles),, 21.09.2015
  • Older married couples are linked in sickness,, 02.06.2015
  • Single motherhood before age of 50 linked to poorer health in later life, Health Medicine Network, 22.05.2015
  • Research: Does Babysitting Grandchildren Improve Your Memory?,, 26.03.2015




  • Working towards happiness: Retiring later is unlikely to affect men's quality of life,, 04.12.2012
  • Frührentner werden schneller alt, CES ifo, 28.11.2012
  • Demografie und die Frage der Gesundheit, Die Welt, 28.11.2012
  • Grandfathers play a more important role, Health Canal, 05.11.2012
  • Disrupted Sleep may predict Alzheimer's, nature, 18.10.2012
  • Der Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) und De Gruyter kooperieren, Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, 15.10.2012
  • "Die Volkswirtschaft ist kein Kiosk",, 22.05.2012
  • Demografische Hürden und Dividenden,, 22.05.2012
  • Privatpatienten: Schneller dran, aber nicht besser, Spiegel Online, 15.02.2012
  • Erfolgreich Altern: Lebensbedingungen in der Kindheit und soziale Ungleichheit haben großen Einfluss, DIW Wochenbericht, 15.02.2012







  • BUPA's move is bad news for health and wealth of the nation,, 16.12.2006
  • Freiwilligenarbeit der älteren Bevölkerung in Europa, DIW Berlin, 08.03.2006


  • Ageing Societies - new priority for public health research?, European Journal of Public Health, 13.07.2005
  • People over 50 in northern Europe feel healthier than their southern counterparts,, 07.05.2005
  • Survey draws health and retirement picture of Europe's elderly,, 29.04.2005



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