SHARE Slovenia

SHARE Slovenia is coordinated by the Institute for Economic Research (IER), an independent research organization. Founded in 1965, the Institute represents the center of research in fields such as economics of population ageing, health economics, social inclusion and family policy, regional development, innovation and creative industries, social entrepreneurship, economics of education, eco-technology and business consulting. The members of SHARE Team Slovenia are:
Valentina Prevolnik Rupel, PhD (Country Team Leader, PhD in Economics) is the leader of the Slovenian SHARE country team since April 2023. She organises the funding of the SHARE study in Slovenia and represents the interests of Slovenia in the consortium of 28 SHARE countries. She also promotes the use of SHARE data and the dissemination of results in Slovenia. Her research work focuses on health care financing and fund allocation mechanisms, health-related quality of life measurement and indicators, health technology assessment and long-term care in general.
Boris Majcen, PhD (Scientific Staff, PhD in Economics) was the head of the Slovenian SHARE country team until Wave 9. In addition to continuing to support the country team on funding issues, his research work focuses on supporting policymakers with reliable and comparable (SHARE) data to base their decisions on. His research interests include modelling the effects of structural reforms and economic policies, analysing the economic impact of ageing populations and the long-term sustainability of public finances.
Sonja Uršič, MSc (Country Team Operator, Master of Economics) is a researcher at the IER. Within the SHARE project she is responsible for daily operations, assisting SHARE Central in the preparation of data bases and supporting the dissemination of SHARE results in Slovenia.
Andrej Srakar, PhD (Scientific Staff, PhD in Economics) is a researcher at the IER. His main research interest is econometric studies of ageing. Within the SHARE project he provides technical support to the scientific community in Slovenia on the use of SHARE data and prepares scientific and professional publications using SHARE data.