Become a user

Registration Process
SHARE-ERIC aims to share the SHARE data as soon as possible with the entire scientific community. Access to the SHARE data is provided free of charge on the basis of a release policy that gives quick and convenient access to all scientific users world-wide after individual registration. All details about the application and registration process can be found below.
What may the SHARE data be used for?
SHARE data may be used for scientific research, subject to European Union and national data protection laws and the SHARE Conditions of Use. Furthermore, SHARE-ERIC promises to the participants in the study that the data will not be used for other purposes.
Therefore, any other uses, such as a commercial use of the data, are excluded as matter of principle.
In accordance with the legal requirements and ethical commitments related to the SHARE data collection, applicants have to acknowledge and agree that they will use the SHARE data only for scientific purposes. In this connection, they also have to provide relevant information with regard to their scientific alignment during the registration process.
How to apply for access to the SHARE data?
If you wish to use SHARE data, you have to take only three easy steps in order to register as a SHARE user and obtain access to the SHARE data. Please note that access to the SHARE data will only be granted on an individual basis.
Step 1: Read the SHARE Conditions of Use carefully. You will have to agree to them in the next step – this is a necessary prerequisite to access and use the SHARE data.
Step 2: Download, fill out and sign the SHARE User Statement (PDF). Please take into account the following instructions on how to fill out the User Statement correctly:
- All applicants have to fill out and sign PAGE 1 of the SHARE User Statement.
- If applicable, on PAGE 1 also credentials that the applicant is affiliated with a scientific institution have to be provided. If scientific affiliation is demonstrated (most easily via a valid email address of the affiliated institution), access will be granted for as long as the affiliation remains valid.
- PAGE 2 of the SHARE User Statement only has to be filled out, if an applicant has no scientific affiliation, such as a university or scientific research institution/department (for details see Conditions of Use). In this instance, access can only be granted in justified cases for a specific scientific project, given that the project has been described and its scientific character has been demonstrated in a sufficient manner in accordance with this page of the User Statement.
- If you are planning to use the easySHARE data set for teaching purposes, please take note of the simplified application procedure. It provides 'teachers' with a convenient way of registering all course participants as regular SHARE users at the same time and allows them to distribute the easySHARE data set to their 'students'. In order to use easySHARE data for teaching purposes simply fill out and sign the easySHARE Teacher Statement (PDF).
Step 3: Submit the completed and signed Statement(s) by email or mail to the SHARE Research Data Center:
SHARE Research Data Center
c/o Centerdata Tilburg University
P.O. Box 90153 5000
LE Tilburg
The Netherlands
Email: share-rdc(at)
Access to the data will only be granted upon receipt of the required document(s). Please ensure that you provide only truthful and up-to-date information.
How to access the SHARE data after completion of the registration?
Upon acceptance of the credentials (normally within a few working days), access to the SHARE data will be granted most easily via the SHARE Research Data Center website by entering a personal user ID and a password.
SHARE Datasets
Learn more about SHARE datasets and all its advantages and get an overview of all waves of data collection.