New First Results Book “Ageing in Europe – Supporting policies for an inclusive society” available soon


Release event 29th October in Brussels

Researchers from all over Europe and Israel provide new scientific findings in the book “Ageing in Europe – Supporting Policies for an Inclusive Society” which will be presented on the 29th of October in Brussels:

Population ageing is a secular challenge which will strain the fabric of Europe’s societies. Some of the key questions that will be discussed at the event are:

  • Ever more retirees will demand taxes and pension contributions from ever fewer younger workers. Will this create tensions between generations?
  • Health is improving but at high costs. Are our societies willing to bear these costs?
  • Older workers have accumulated a lot of experience. Will this, however, offset the loss of innovative energy by the young?
  • The oldest old are the fastest growing population segment. Will there be sufficient capacity for long-term care when it will be needed? Will informal caregivers (usually daughters) feel lonelier, more socially excluded and more depressive?
  • Will the digital divide create increasing tensions where older workers with good computer skills will be happier – and retire later – than those unskilled who stay behind?

The book is freely available for >>Download.