New Data Linkage!


SHARE data can now be linked with administrative data from the Netherlands

SHARE data can now be linked with administrative microdata of the Dutch national statistical office, Statistics Netherlands (CBS). This linkage can be used to include the SHARE data as a valuable extension of a research project otherwise using mainly CBS catalogue data, or to primarily enrich the SHARE dataset with additional variables taken from selected CBS microdata files.

The SHARE Netherlands (SHARE NL) datasets from Wave 1 up to Wave 6 are available in a form that they can be linked at person level to other person related data in the CBS Microdata Catalogue. This catalogue contains among other, the population registry and covers data on various topics such as health, labor, social security, income, and wealth. The data are available for respondents who consented to the linkage in Wave 5.

Read more about the Dutch data linkage and how to access the data here.