SHARE COVID-19 Special Section in EJA
Call for Abstracts
To contribute on research covering the impact of COVID-19, the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) will submit a proposal for a Special Section on SHARE COVID-19 Research to the European Journal of Ageing (EJA) in September 2020. We invite researchers who are interested in participating in this Special Section to submit their research proposals to SHARE Central.
The special section will be based on data from the SHARE Wave 8 COVID-19 add-on fieldwork and thematically oriented around the social, health and economic impact of the pandemic from an international perspective. Our proposal aims on adding to the recent EJA call on consequences of the Corona pandemic in later life and extending it by the international component and the panel dimension - a combination unique to SHARE. We encourage you to make use of the internationally comparative nature of the SHARE data.
If your proposal is accepted, you will be able to work with a preliminary data release version to enable timely publication of the Special Section. The SHARE Wave 8 Covid-19 add-on data contains information from around 50.000 interviews and can be linked to all prior waves of SHARE panel data (as of release 7-1-0). The articles should meet the criteria of the journal in quality and length.
Please submit your proposals to Johanna Bristle until September 10th 2020.
Submissions are invited on all research topics covered by the SHARE COVID-19 add-on questionnaire. We explicitly invite contributions in the areas of health and health behaviours, mental health, infections and health care, changes in work and economic situations and social networks.
Abstract submissions should provide information about the research question, variables and waves to be used, and the type of empirical analysis considered. For preparations, the SHARE COVID-19 add-on questionnaire is available online at the SHARE Homepage. Please submit two pdf versions of your abstract, one with and one without author information. An abstract should be about two pages long.
As we are in the proposal stage, there is no clear timeline yet. However, please allocate some time right after the release 0 data is distributed. We aim on having a fast publication process.