SHARE-Gateway User Conference
Stimulating collaboration and fostering scientific exchange
Berlin – From November 6th to November 8th, 2024, interested researchers met in Berlin to discuss research using data from SHARE and data from the broader international network of health and retirement studies supported by the Gateway to Global Aging Data. This interdisciplinary SHARE-Gateway User Conference has been jointly organized by the SHARE BERLIN Institute and Gateway to Global Aging Data.
Especially in view of the present population ageing fostering research that investigates cross-country and historical variation in ageing, health, and systems supporting older individuals and their families is key. Therefore, the aim of the conference was to stimulate collaboration and to foster scientific exchange between users on research evaluating a range of topics covered in the international network, especially cross-country work on health, aging, and retirement.
On November 6th, two workshops took place. They focused on the Harmonized Cognitive Assessment Protocol (HCAP) and the Gateway’s cross-study harmonized datasets. The following two days featured six parallel sessions. During these sessions SHARE-Gateway users held presentations on their work on different topics covered in the international network.
Furthermore, on November 6th the SHARE BERLIN Institute welcomed all participants of the Symposium on Inequalities in Health, Retirement, and Care in an Ageing World. This event comprised four different session and gave interesting insights in current research about health behaviour, living circumstances at older ages, healthy ageing, challenges in later life, etc.
We would like to say thank you to everyone who directly or indirectly contributed to both events and for the inspiring exchange we had together.
SHARE as well as the Gateway to Global Aging Data both offer crucial resources for conducting research on health, ageing and retirement.
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