Call for Abstracts: New Social Risks and Pension Policies in Europe


Submit your abstract by February 28, 2019

European welfare states have seen major transformations of their social security systems over the past decades. In addition to “old” risks such as unemployment and sickness, “new” social risks have emerged. The Members of the Social Policy Colloquium of the Hertie School of Governance (HSoG) and the Research Data Center of the German Statutory Pension Insurance (FSZ-RV) are jointly organizing a conference that brings together researchers who work on “new social risks” and their implications for old-age security:

Conference “New Social Risks and Pension Policies in Europe”

May 21-22, 2019

Hertie School of Governance, Berlin

The focus is on recent developments in European countries. The following topics are of special interest:

  • Cross-national investigations on statutory pension policies
  • Cross-national investigations on private and occupational pensions
  • Old-age poverty in comparative perspective
  • Gender, employment and old-age security
  • Changing family structures and old-age security

With its focus on comparative analysis of old-age security and pension policies in Europe, this conference offers a great opportunity for researchers to present their work with SHARE data.

Researchers are invited to submit an abstract of maximum two pages by February 28, 2019. Notifications of acceptance will be sent out by March 31, 2019.

Please download the Call for Abstracts for more information.