Data & Documentation Tool

The SHARE Data & Documentation Tool is a web application developed by CentERdata, Institute for data collection and research, in cooperation with SHARE Central at the SHARE BERLIN Institute (SBI).
For researchers, the tool is intended to be a fast, customizable, easy-to-use web interface for browsing and searching the SHARE (meta)data. One important feature of the system is that codebooks for all currently released SHARE waves and modules can be generated in PDF format. This allows researchers who are interested in using SHARE data to get a first overview on content and case numbers without downloading the data. Additionally, the "Browse Publications" tab contains all publications that have been reported to SHARE Central including journal articles, books, book chapters, and other types of publications like discussion papers or theses. The “Search” function helps you to quickly find the information you are looking for either in all fields or with a focus on data, questionnaires or publications.
The tool is available at