Job Episodes Panel

Job Episode Panel
The SHARE Job Episodes Panel (JEP) is a generated dataset based on information of Wave 3 (SHARELIFE) and Wave 7 of SHARE. It comes in the form of a retrospective long panel. The JEP contains the labour market status of each respondent throughout her/his life. Such a retrospective panel is useful when studying the potential effects of early childhood conditions on conditions in later life or when the focus of the analysis is a low frequency phenomenon barely captured by the regular panel waves of SHARE. The JEP offers the opportunity to study life-cycle processes and the accumulative effect of important events over the life-course recorded in Wave 3 and in Wave 7. Moreover, the JEP dataset can be complemented by information about the institutions, public policies and macroeconomic conditions individuals are confronted with in the course of their lives.
A detailed description of the methodology and assumptions underlying the construction of the dataset is available in the SHARE working paper 36: “Combining the retrospective interviews of wave 3 and wave 7: the third release of the SHARE Job Episodes Panel”, by Agar Brugiavini, Cristina E. Orso, Mesfin G. Genie, Rinaldo Naci, and Giacomo Pasini.
Please use the following additional acknowledgement when publishing with SHARE Job Episodes Panel data:
This paper uses data from the generated Job Episodes Panel (DOI: 10.6103/SHARE.jep.900), see Brugiavini et al. (2019) and Antonova et al. (2014) for methodological details.
The latest Release of the SHARE JEP is based on Release 9.0.0