Linkage SHARE NL

The survey data of Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) Netherlands can now be linked with the (administrative) microdata at Statistics Netherlands (CBS) for statistic and scientific research. This linkage can be used to include the SHARE data as a valuable extension of a research project otherwise using mainly CBS catalogue data, or to primarily enrich the SHARE dataset with additional variables taken from selected CBS microdata files.
The SHARE Netherlands (SHARE NL) datasets from Wave 1 up to Wave 6 are available in a form that they can be linked at person level to other person related data in the CBS Microdata Catalogue. This catalogue contains among other, the population registry and covers data on various topics such as health, labor, social security, income, and wealth. The data are available for respondents who consented to the linkage in Wave 5.
Analyzing the data takes place within a secured working environment at CBS Microdata Services, and requires several formalities. Also, CBS charges costs for their services. Researchers from institutes authorized by CBS can access this environment from any secure workplace via a secure Internet connection (Remote Access), and only statistical results can be exported. Detailed information can be found at
Researchers interested in using the SHARE NL dataset within this environment are requested to consult and/or contact CBS Microdata Services in advance through, to obtain the appropriate information about conditions, possibilities and limitations of the Microdata facility, the microdata catalogue, and the procedures and costs involved in running a microdata research project.
To apply for access to the linked SHARE data at Statistics Netherlands, researchers have to follow a two-step procedure:
- Agreeing to the SHARE Conditions of Use and signing the SHARE User Statement (if not done already).
- Contacting the Dutch Country Team Leader Dr. Bella Struminskaya to apply for access to the linked data.
When access to the linked SHARE microdata has been granted to the researchers through 1. and 2., they are asked to share their permission with CBS Microdata Services to further get their research project started.
For more details on the procedure and the linked data, see also Procedure for using data of SHARE (Survey on Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe) Netherlands linked to CBS microdata.