The REGLINK-SHAREFI project provides Finnish SHARE survey data linked to administrative data from Statistics Finland, Finnish Center for Pensions and Kela. The current version of REGLINK-SHAREFI includes all existing Finnish SHARE data based on SHARE Release 9-0-0 and the SHARE Corona Survey 1 & 2. Researchers can apply for administrative data separately. An update of REGLINK-SHAREFI is planned for future waves.
Statistics Finland: As is Finland's national statistical institute Statistics Finland produces impartial statistics on Finnish society.
Finnish Center for Pensions: Finnish Center for Pensions implements occupational pension provision in cooperation with pension institutions and maintains the register of pensions and earnings.
Kela: As the Finnish social insurance institution, Kela provides data on paid benefits.
The current version of REGLINK-SHAREFI data is based on respondents' consents to linkage that were collected during SHARE Wave 8 and Wave 9. Survey respondents were provided with information about the linkage project and asked for their written consent to linkage. The linkage of Finnish SHARE data with administrative records of the same person is carried out via the personal identification number.
Researchers can apply for access using the following procedure:
- First, apply for access to the SHARE survey data. All researchers that would be working with the data have to apply for access.
- Contact the Finnish Country Team Operator, Johanna Lahtela: please send a short application including a brief project description. Please include names, emails and affiliations of the principal investigator and all researchers that would be working with the data.
- Finally, apply for REGLINK-SHAREFI register data:
- At Statistics Finland if you plan to use variables from Statistics Finland and Finnish Center for Pensions/Kela.
- At Findata if you plan to use variables from Finnish Center for Pensions or Kela only. You will be able to apply for a subset of available variables.
For any questions regarding REGLINK-SHAREFI, please contact the Finnish Country Team.