REGLINK-SHAREDK stands for the direct linkage of survey data of the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) with register data from Statistics Denmark and the Danish Health Data Authority.
REGLINK-SHAREDK is the secondsuccessful linkage project in SHARE and relates to the Danish subsample of SHARE. The linkage in Denmark was first completed in February 2017 by establishing the project as a national research infrastructure and will be consecutively updated when new waves of SHARE are released.
For the purpose of the linkage, a consortium has been established. At present, the consortium consists of University of Southern Denmark, Aarhus University, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen Business School, Aalborg University and Roskilde University.
The current version of REGLINK-SHAREDK is based on SHARE Release 9-0-0. This includes survey data of Danish SHARE respondents of waves 1-9 linked with health, labour market and demographic registers. Those respondents who gave their consent for linkage in Wave 8 are included. For the future, it is planned to provide further updates to the REGLINK-SHAREDK database, and at the same occasions update the register variable content. This will be done jointly with the release of SHARE Wave 10 data.
Survey participants were provided with information about the linkage project and asked for their written consent to linkage in accordance with the Danish Act on Processing of Personal Data. The linkage of Danish SHARE data with administrative records of the same person is carried out via a central personal identification number.
The database provides researchers from Danish research institutions with the ability to analyse employment behaviour, health conditions, ageing processes etc. and thereby provide evidenced based solutions to many of the societal challenges, which Denmark and many other countries in Europe are facing.
Researchers employed at (or with an appointment at) a Danish research institution can apply for access to the linked data for scientific research purposes using the following procedure:
- Apply for access to the SHARE survey data. All researchers working with the data need to apply for access.
- Contact the Danish Country Team: please send a short application including a brief project description to the Danish Country Team Leader Jørgen T. Lauridsen. Please include names, emails and affiliations of the principal investigator and all researchers that would be working with the data.
- Finally apply for REGLINK-SHAREDK through Statistics Denmark. Data access will be granted via remote access on a secure server at Statistics Denmark.
Further details can be found via the website of the Danish SHARE-DK research consortium.