The non-intended consequences of the epidemic control decisions to contain the COVID-19 pandemic are huge and affect the well-being of European citizens in terms of economics, social relationships and health: Europe is experiencing the largest recession since World War II, social contacts have been interrupted and people avoid seeking medical treatment in fear of infection.
The overarching objective of the SHARE-COVID19 project is to understand these non-intended consequences and to devise improved health, economic and social policies. In our policy recommendations, we strive to make healthcare systems and societies in the European Union more resilient to pandemics in terms of prevention, protection and treatment of the population 50+, a most vulnerable part of the population.
The project aims to identify healthcare inequalities before, during and after the pandemic, to understand the lockdown effects on health and health behaviours, to analyse labour market implications of the lockdown, to assess the impacts of pandemic and lockdown on income and wealth inequality, to mitigate the effects of epidemic control decisions on social relationships and to optimise future epidemic control measures by taking the geographical patterns of the disease and their relationship with social patterns into account as well as to better manage housing and living arrangements choices between independence, co-residence or institutionalisation.
The project pursues a transdisciplinary and internationally comparative approach by exploiting the data sources of the SHARE research infrastructure. It covers all EU Member States. The Max Planck Society is responsible for the project coordination. The project has started on 1 November 2020 and will end on 30 June 2024.
The European Commission supports SHARE-ERIC’s COVID-19 research project (SHARE-COVID19) by funding through Horizon 2020 (Grant No. 101015924, PI Axel Boersch-Supan) and the Coronavirus Global Response initiative launched by President Ursula von der Leyen in May 2020. The project is coordinated by the Max Planck Institute for Social Law and Social Policy in Munich, Germany. More information can be found on the project’s website.
Project News
SHARE-COVID19 Project - Final Dissemination Conference
June 2024
New First Results Book now available for free download!
October 2023
SHARE COVID-19 Survey 2 data available
February 2022
Results: Vaccination willingness in Europe: Who are the unvaccinated?
October 2021
Fieldwork of SHARE Corona Survey 2 completed
August 2021
Fieldwork of SHARE Corona Survey 2 has started
June 2021
Results: Influence of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Private Care Networks in Europe
March 2021
SHARE-COVID-19 data available now!
December 2020
EU Commission Grant: SHARE-ERIC is becoming a central pillar in Corona crisis related research.
August 2020
SHARE's contribution to research about the social, health and economic impact of COVID-19.
April 2020
Abramowska-Kmon, A., M. Chełchowska and M. Piotrowski (2023): Personal contact with other people and mental well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic. In: Börsch-Supan, A. Social, health, and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and the epidemiological control measures. First results from SHARE Corona Waves 1 and 2, 63-76. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Airaksinen, J., K. Komulainen, M. Jokela and K. Gluschkoff (2021): Big Five Personality Traits and COVID-19 Precautionary Behaviors Among Older Adults in Europe. PsyArXiv. DOI: 10.31234/
Alperin, M. N. P., M. Perquin, and G. A. Giordana (2024): Population ageing and public finance burden of dementia: Micro-simulations evaluating risk factors, treatments, and comorbidities in Luxembourg. The Journal of the Economics of Ageing.
Altweck, L., J. Freund, S. Hahm, S. Schmidt and S. Tomczyk (2023): Collective loneliness: The impact of the social network on loneliness and depression during the coronavirus pandemic in older Europeans. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry.
Angelova, M. (2021): Factors Affecting the Active Life of People Aged 50 and Over in Europe Before and During the Pandemic. Revista Inclusiones 8: 62-90.
Angelova, M. (2024): Changes in Determinants of Life Satisfaction of People Aged 50 and Over before and after the Outbreak of COVID-19. Economic Studies 33(2).
Arnault, L. and F. Jusot (2023): Inequality of opportunity in the risk of suffering from persistent symptoms of COVID-19. In: Börsch-Supan, A. Social, health, and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and the epidemiological control measures. First results from SHARE Corona Waves 1 and 2, 43-52. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Arnault, L., F. Jusot and T. Renaud (2021): Economic Vulnerability and Unmet Healthcare Needs among the Population Aged 50 + years During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Europe. European Journal of Ageing. DOI: 10.1007/s10433-021-00645-3.
Arnault, L., F. Jusot and T. Renaud (2021): Social Inequalities in Access to Healthcare Among the Population Aged 50+ years During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Europe. SHARE Working Paper Series 58-2021. Munich Center for the Economics of Aging (MEA). Munich.
Arpino, B., C. Mair, N. T. Quashie and R. Antczak (2021): Loneliness Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Are Unpartnered and Childless Older Adults at Higher Risk?. SocArXiv. Ithaca.
Arpino, B., C. Mair, N. T. Quashie and R. Antczak (2022): Loneliness before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: are unpartnered and childless older adults at higher risk? European Journal of Ageing 19. DOI:
Arpino, B., V. Bordone and G. Di Gessa (2022): Close kin influence COVID-19 precautionary behaviors and vaccine acceptance of older individuals. Nature Portfolio Preprint. London.
Arpino, B., V. Bordone and G. Di Gessa (2023): COVID-19 precautionary behaviors and vaccine acceptance among older individuals: The role of close kin. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120 (13). DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2214382120.
Arpino, B., V. Bordone and M. Pasqualini (2020): Are Intergenerational Relationships Responsible for more COVID-19 Cases? A Cautionary Tale of Available Empirical Evidence. SocArXiv Paper. Cornell University. Ithaca.
Atzendorf, J. and S. Gruber (2021): Depression and Loneliness of Older Adults in Europe and Israel after the First Wave of Covid-19. European Journal of Ageing. DOI: 10.1007/s10433-021-00640-8.
Atzendorf, J. and S. Gruber (2021): The Mental Well-being of Older Adults after the First Wave of COVID-19. SHARE Working Paper Series 63-2021. Munich Center for the Economics of Aging (MEA). Munich.
Atzendorf, J., Y. Yilmaz and M. Gerum (forthcoming): Pandemie, Tod und Psyche – Welche Emotionen erleben Ältere bei Todesfällen in ihrem sozialen Umfeld aufgrund Covid-19? In: Strauss, S. and T. Schwarwel. nichtgesellschaftsfähig – TOD, VERLUST, TRAUER UND DAS LEBEN, Leipzig: Glücklicher Montag.
Bakota, I. (2023): Pandemic lockdowns: The role of economic and demographic structures. In: Börsch-Supan, A. et al. Social, health, and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and the epidemiological control measures. First results from SHARE Corona Waves 1 and 2, 243-250. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Bassoli, E., M. Belloni, A. Brugiavini and Y. Gao (2023): Did the pandemic change retirement trends? In: Börsch-Supan, A. et al. Social, health, and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and the epidemiological control measures. First results from SHARE Corona Waves 1 and 2, 129-140. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Bassoli, E., A. Brugiavini and I. Ferrari (2021): Care Provision at the Time of the Covid-19: Who Suffers Most? University Ca' Foscari of Venice, Dept. Of Economics Research Paper Series 10/WP/2021. SSRN. New York.
Bergeot, J. and F. Jusot (2022): Beliefs, risk and time preferences and COVID-19 preventive behavior: Evidence from France. SHARE Working Paper Series 79-2022. Munich Center for the Economics of Aging (MEA). Munich.
Bergeot, J. and F. Jusot (2023): The impact of unmet health care needs on self-assessed health and functional limitations during the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic. In: Börsch-Supan, A. Social, health, and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and the epidemiological control measures. First results from SHARE Corona Waves 1 and 2, 31-42. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Bergmann, M. and M. Wagner (2021): Caregiving and Care Receiving Across Europe in Times of COVID-19. SHARE Working Paper Series 59-2021. Munich Center for the Economics of Aging (MEA). Munich.
Bergmann, M. and M. Wagner (2021): The Impact of COVID-19 on Informal Caregiving and Care Receiving Across Europe During the First Phase of the Pandemic. Frontiers in Public Health 9. DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2021.673874.
Bergmann, M. and M. Wagner (2023): Back to normal? The health care situation of home care receivers across Europe during the COVID-19 pandemic and its implications on health. PLoS ONE. DOI:
Bergmann, M. and M. Wagner (2023): Receiving care at home during the COVID-19 pandemic: Revisiting the situations of care recipients 18 months after the outbreak of SARS-CoV-2. In: Börsch-Supan, A. Social, health, and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and the epidemiological control measures. First results from SHARE Corona Waves 1 and 2, 253-262. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Bergmann, M., A. Bethmann, T.-V. Hannemann and A. Schumacher (2022): Who are the unvaccinated? Determinants of SARSCoV-2 vaccinations among older adults across Europe. easy_social_sciences Mixed 1: 1-11. DOI: 10.15464/easy.2022.01.
Bergmann, M., M. V. Hecher and E. Sommer (2022): The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the provision of instrumental help by older people across Europe. Frontiers in Sociology. DOI: 10.3389/fsoc.2022.1007107.
Bergmann, M., T.-V. Hannemann, A. Bethmann and A. Schumacher (2021): Determinants of SARS-CoV-2 Vaccinations in the 50+ Population. SHARE Working Paper Series 72-2021. Munich Center for the Economics of Aging (MEA). Munich. DOI: 10.17617/2.3345550.
Bergmann, M., Wagner, M., Yilmaz, Y., Axt, K., Kronschnabl, J., Pettinicchi, Y., Schmidutz, D., Schuller, K., Stuck, S., & Börsch-Supan, A. (2024). SHARE Corona Surveys: study profile. Longitudinal and Life Course Studies (published online ahead of print 2024). Retrieved Aug 9, 2024, from
Berniell, I., A. Laferrère, P. Mira, and E. Pronkina (2021): Robinson Crusoe: Less or More Depressed? With Whom and Where to Live in a Pandemic if you are above 50. SHARE Working Paper Series 70-2021. Munich Center for the Economics of Aging (MEA). Munich. DOI: 10.17617/2.3333206.
Berniell, I., Y. Fawaz, A. Laferrère, P. Mira and E. Pronkina (2021): The COVID-19 Curtain: Can Past Communist Regimes Explain the Vaccination Divide in Europe? SHARE Working Paper Series 75-2021. Munich Center for the Economics of Aging (MEA). Munich.
Berniell, L., A. Laferrère, P. Mira and E. Pronkina (2023): Housing conditions, living arrangements, and mental well-being of Europeans aged 50+: How the COVID-19 pandemic made a difference. In: Börsch-Supan, A. Social, health, and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and the epidemiological control measures. First results from SHARE Corona Waves 1 and 2, 311-318. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Bertoni, M., D. Cavapozzi, G. Pasini and C. Pavese (2021): Remote Working and Mental Health during the First Wave of COVID-19 Pandemic. IZA Discussion Paper 14773. IZA – Institute of Labor Economics. Bremen.
Bertoni, M., M. Celidoni, C. Dal Bianco and G. Weber (2021): How did European Retirees Respond to the COVID-19 Pandemic? SHARE Working Paper Series 61-2021. Munich Center for the Economics of Aging (MEA). Munich.
Bertoni, M., M. Celidoni, C. Dal Bianco and G. Weber (2021): How did European Retirees Respond to the COVID-19 Pandemic? Economics Letters 203. DOI: 10.1016/j.econlet.2021.109853.
Bíró, A., R. Branyiczki and P. Elek (2021): Time Patterns of Precautionary Health Behaviours During an Easing Phase of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Europe. SHARE Working Paper Series 57-2021. Munich Center for the Economics of Aging (MEA). Munich.
Bíró, A., R. Branyiczki and P. Elek (2021): Time Patterns of Precautionary Health Behaviours During an Easing Phase of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Europe. CERS-IE Working Papers 2021/7. Centre for Economic and Regional Studies. Budapest.
Bíró, A., R. Branyiczki and P. Elek. (2021): Time Patterns of Precautionary Health Behaviours during an Easing Phase of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Europe. European Journal of Ageing. DOI: 10.1007/s10433-021-00636-4.
Bogdanova, B. and Z. Vladimirov (2021): Cross-sectional differences in the Level of Depression since the COVID-19 Outbreak: A Study on SHARE Data. Revista Inclusiones 8.
Bonfatti, A., G. Pesaresi, G. Weber and N. Zambon (2021): The Economic Impact of the First Wave of the Pandemic on 50+ Europeans. SHARE Working Paper Series 74-2021. Munich Center for the Economics of Aging (MEA). Munich. DOI: 10.17617/2.3346667.
Bonfatti, A., G. Pesaresi, G. Weber and N. Zambon (2023): How the first wave of the pandemic affected household foinances. In: Börsch-Supan, A. et al. Social, health, and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and the epidemiological control measures. First results from SHARE Corona Waves 1 and 2, 223-230. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Bonsang, E. and E. Pronkina (2021): Family Size and Vaccination among Older Individuals: The Case of COVID-19 Vaccine. SHARE Working Paper Series 76-2021. Munich Center for the Economics of Aging (MEA). Munich.
Bonsang, E. and E. Pronkina (2023): Family size and vaccination among older individuals: The case of COVID-19 vaccine. Economics & Human Biology 50. DOI: 10.1016/j.ehb.2023.101256.
Börsch-Supan, A., A. Abramowska-Kmon, K. Andersen-Ranberg, A. Brugiavini, A. Chłoń-Domińczak, F. Jusot, A. Laferrère, H. Litwin, Š. Smolić and G. Weber (2023): Social, health, and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and the epidemiological control measures. First results from SHARE Corona Waves 1 and 2. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Börsch-Supan, A., V. Kutlu-Koc and D. López-Falcón (2023): Short-time employment aid during the COVID-19 lockdown: Shortand long-run effectiveness. In: Börsch-Supan, A. Social, health, and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and the epidemiological control measures. First results from SHARE Corona Waves 1 and 2, 141-148. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Botelho, V. and M. Weißler (2022): COVID-19 and retirement decisions of older workers in the euro area. European Central Bank. Frankfurt.
Bovil, T., C. T. Wester, L. Scheel-Hincke and K. Andersen-Ranberg (2023): Risk factors of post COVID-19 condition attributed to COVID-19 disease in people aged 50+ in Europe and Israel. In: Börsch-Supan, A. Social, health, and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and the epidemiological control measures. First results from SHARE Corona Waves 1 and 2, 111-118. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Bovil, T., C. T. Wester, L. Scheel-Hincke and K. Andersen-Ranberg (2022): Risk factors of post-COVID-19 condition attributed to COVID-19 disease in people aged 50+ in Europe and Israel. Public Health. DOI: 10.1016/j.puhe.2022.09.017.
Brandt, M., R. Heidemann and A. Schmitz (2023): Comparative research on health, social support and intergenerational relation in later life in the context of COVID-19. In: Wanka, A. and T. Freutel-Funke et al. A Linking Ages perspective on the risks for loneliness in early and later life during the COVID-19 pandemic in Israel and Germany. Minerva White Paper, Frankfurt: Goethe University Frankfurt.
Brugiavini, A., C. Di Novi and C. E. Orso (2021): Visiting Parents in Times of COVID-19: The Impact of Parent-adult Child Contacts on the Psychological Health of the Elderly. SHARE Working Paper Series 73-2021. Munich Center for the Economics of Aging (MEA). Munich.
Brugiavini, A., R. E. Buia and I. Simonetti (2021): Occupation and Working Outcomes during the Coronavirus Pandemic. European Journal of Ageing. DOI: 10.1007/s10433-021-00651-5.
Brugiavini, A., R. E. Buia and I. Simonetti (2021): Occupation and Working Outcomes During the Coronavirus Pandemic. SHARE Working Paper Series 60-2021. Munich Center for the Economics of Aging (MEA). Munich.
Brugiavini, A., R. E. Buia, I. Ferrari, Y. Gao and I. Simonetti (2023): Work interruptions and medium-term labour market outcomes of older workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. In: Börsch-Supan, A. Social, health, and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and the epidemiological control measures. First results from SHARE Corona Waves 1 and 2, 149-162. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Buia, R. E., D. Cavapozzi and G. Pasini (2023): What is the future of (remote) work? In: Börsch-Supan, A. et al. Social, health, and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and the epidemiological control measures. First results from SHARE Corona Waves 1 and 2, 163-172. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Celbiş, M. G., P.-H. Wong, K. Kourtit and P. Nijkamp (2022): Impacts of the COVID-19 Outbreak on Older-Age Cohorts in European Labor Markets: A Machine Learning Exploration of Vulnerable Groups. Regional Science Inquiry. DOI: 10.1111/rsp3.12520.
Celidoni, M., J. Costa-Font and L. Salmasi (2022): Too healthy to fall sick? Longevity expectations and protective health behaviours during the first wave of COVID-19. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization. DOI: 10.1016/j.jebo.2022.08.015.
Chattopadhyay, N., F. Maura, G. Pesaresi and G. Weber (2023): Effects of COVID-19-related economic support on household financial distress. In: Börsch-Supan, A. Social, health, and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and the epidemiological control measures. First results from SHARE Corona Waves 1 and 2, 215-222. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Chen, S., O. Jones, S. Jiang, H. Jin, D. Dong, X. Chen, D. Wang, Y. Zhang, L. Xiang, R. Zhu and R. N. Cardinal (2022): Difficulty and help with activities of daily living among older adults living alone during the COVID-19 pandemic: a multi-country population-based study. BMC Geriatrics. DOI: 10.1186/s12877-022-02799-w.
Chłoń‑Domińcza, A. and D. Holzer‑Żelażewsk (2021): Economic Stress of People 50 + in European Countries in the Covid‑19 Pandemic–do Country Policies Matter? European Journal of Ageing: 1-20. DOI: 10.1007/s10433-021-00662-2.
Chłoń-Domińczak, A., D. a Holzer-Żelażewska, P. Strzelecki and M. Taracha (2023): Changes in work performance and work losses during the COVID-19 pandemic. In: Börsch-Supan, A. Social, health, and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and the epidemiological control measures. First results from SHARE Corona Waves 1 and 2, 173-184. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Chłoń-Domińczak, A., D. Holzer-Żelażewska and M. Taracha (2023): Persistence of economic stress during the COVID-19 pandemic. In: Börsch-Supan, A. Social, health, and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and the epidemiological control measures. First results from SHARE Corona Waves 1 and 2, 201-214. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Choi, H. (2023): 코로나19 전후 유럽과 한국 노인의 고용, 관계, 정신건강 변화. (Change in elderly employment, social relationship, and health conditions in Europe and South Korea since the outbreak of Covid-19.) Global Social Security Review: 53-64. DOI:
Chouzouris, M., A. Lyberaki and P. Tinios (2022): Are attitudes to financial risk reflected in precautional measures during the COVID-19 pandemic? A European study of individuals aged 50+. In: Lau, E. and A. J. Makin et al. Economics and Finance Readings, 57-67. Singapore: Springer.
Christopoulos, K., Benetou, V., Riza, E. et al. (2022): Pet ownership and survival of European older adults. Eur J Ageing 19, 1549–1560. DOI: 10.1007/s10433-022-00739-6.
Čipin , I., P. Međimurec and D. Mustač (2023): Do intergenerational co-residence and multigenerational housing arrangements increase the risk of COVID-19 morbidity? Findings from SHARE. In: Börsch-Supan, A. Social, health, and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and the epidemiological control measures. First results from SHARE Corona Waves 1 and 2, 301-310. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Clark, A., C. Dambrosio, I. Onur and R. Zhu (2021): COVID-19 Compliance Behaviors of Older People: The Role of Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Skills. Economics Letters 210. DOI:
Cohen, L. S. Shiovitz-Ezra, B. Erlich (2023): Support for Older Parents in Need in Europe: The Role of the Social Network and of Individual and Relational Characteristics, Innovation in Aging, Volume 7, Issue 4, 2023, igad032, DOI: 10.1093/geroni/igad032.
Cohn-Schwartz, E., A. Vitman-Schorr and R. Khalaila (2021): Physical Distancing is Related to Fewer Electronic and In-person Contacts and to Increased Loneliness during the COVID-19 Pandemic among Older Europeans. Quality of Life Research. DOI: 10.1007/s11136-021-02949-4.
Cohn-Schwartz, E., Y. Hoffman and A. Shrira (2022): The effect of pre-pandemic PTSD and depression symptoms on mental distress among older adults during COVID-19. Journal of Psychatric Research 151: 633-637. DOI: 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2022.05.022.
Cohn-Schwartz, E.; Khalaila, R. (2022): Accelerometer-Assessed Physical Activity and Cognitive Performance among European Adults Aged 50+: The Mediating Effects of Social Contacts and Depressive Symptoms. Healthcare 2022, 10, 2279. DOI: 10.3390/healthcare10112279.
Cordeiro, C., P. Câmara Pestana, B. Côrte Real and F. Novais (2022): Long time, no sleep: Sleep in older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Primary Care Companion for CNS Disorders 24(3):21m03224. DOI: 10.4088/PCC.21m03224.
Couto Botelho Monteiro, D. (2023): Predicting adherence to public health measures during the COVID-19 pandemic: a machine learning approach. Master's thesis. University of Porto. Porto.
Cusa, M. (2022): Social Capital and Resilience to the Covid-19 crisis. Evidence for senior Europeans. Master's thesis. Università degli Studi di Padova. Padova.
Cuschieri, S. and P. Wilk (2024): Does pre-existing diabetes Correlate with Long COVID-19 in Europe? Evidence from the analysis of the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe’s corona surveys. Journal of Diabetes Research. DOI:
Dasgupta, S. and J. Emmerling (2021): COVID-19 Lockdown Led to an Unprecedented Increase in Inequality. Research Square. DOI: 10.21203/
de Groot, S., I. Santi, P. Bakx, et al. (2023): Informal Care Costs According to Age and Proximity to Death to Support Cost-Effectiveness Analyses. PharmacoEconomics 41, 1137–1149 (2023). DOI: 10.1007/s40273-022-01233-8.
Delaruelle, K., J. Vergauwen, P. Dykstra, D. Mortelmans and P. Bracke (2023): Marital-history differences in increased loneliness during the COVID-19 pandemic: A European study among older adults living alone. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics 108. DOI: 10.1016/j.archger.2023.104923.
Delerue Matos, A., A. F. Paiva, C. Cunha and G. Voss (2021): Precautionary Behaviours of Individuals with Multimorbidity during the COVID-19 Pandemic. SHARE Working Paper Series 69-2021. Munich Center for the Economics of Aging (MEA). Munich.
Delerue Matos, A., A. Fonseca de Paiva, C. Cunha and G. Voss (2022): Precautionary Behaviours of Individuals with Multimorbidity during the COVID-19 Pandemic. European Journal of Ageing. DOI: 10.1007/s10433-021-00632-8.
Delerue Matos, A., G. Voss and P. Silva (2023): Economic and health system policies during the pandemic and the mental health of older adults. In: Börsch-Supan, A. et al. Social, health, and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and the epidemiological control measures. First results from SHARE Corona Waves 1 and 2, 53-60. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Dionysia, C. (2023): Factors affecting mental health and wellbeing among Europeans aged 50 or higher based on longitudinal data. Thesis. University of Piraeus, Greece.
Erdem, D. and J. Rojahn (2024): The influence of financial literacy on financial resilience – New evidence from Europe during the COVID-19 crisis. Managerial Finance 28 (9/10).
Erdem, D. (2024): On the impact and relative importance of financial literacy on financial resilience: New evidence from Europe during the COVID-19 crisis. Doctoral dissertation. University of Murcia. Murcia.
Fawaz, Y., A. Laferrère, P. Mira and E. Pronkina (2023): Housing, living arrangements, and contagion among Europeans aged 50+. In: Börsch-Supan, A. Social, health, and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and the epidemiological control measures. First results from SHARE Corona Waves 1 and 2, 319-330. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Flawinne, X., M. Lefebvre, S. Perelman, P. Pestieau and J. Schoenmaeckers (2022): Nursing homes and mortality in Europe: Uncertain causality. Health Economics. DOI: 10.1002/hec.4613.
Fors Connolly, F., J. Olofsson, G. Malmberg and M. Stattin (2021): Adjustment of Daily Activities to Restrictions and Reported Spread of the COVID-19 Pandemic across Europe. SHARE Working Paper Series 62-2021. Munich Center for the Economics of Aging (MEA). Munich.
Fors Connolly, F., J. Olofsson and M. Josefsson (2024): Do reductions of daily activities mediate the relationship between COVID-19 restrictions and mental ill-health among older persons in Europe? Aging & Mental Health.
García-Prado, A., P. González and Y. Rebollo-Sanz (2022): Lockdown Strictness and Mental Health Effects among Older Populations in Europe. Economics & Human Biology. DOI: 10.1016/j.ehb.2022.101116.
García-Prado, A., P. González and Y. F. Rebollo-Sanz (2024): Confinement policies: controlling contagion without compromising mental health. Working Papers from Universidad Pablo de Olavide No 24.03.
García-Prado, A., González, P., & Rebollo-Sanz, Y. F. (2024). Confinement policies: controlling contagion without compromising mental health. Applied Economics, 1–17. DOI 10.1080/00036846.2024.2364100.
Gineikytė-Kanclerė, V., L. Klimavičiūtė and M. Schito (2022): The effects of restricted access to healthcare and education on vulnerable people: an analysis of the determinants of health and education outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic. Research Square. DOI: 10.21203/
Gineikytė-Kanclerė, V., L. Klimavičiūtė and M. Schito (2024): The effects of restricted access to healthcare and education on vulnerable people: an analysis of the determinants of health and education outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Economic Inequality. DOI:
González Rodríguez, I., M. Pascual Sáez and D. Cantarero Prieto (2022): Have health inequalities increased during the COVID-19 pandemic? Evidence from recent years for older European Union citizens. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19(13), 7812. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph19137812.
González-Touya , M., A. Stoyanova and R. Urbanos-Garrido (2021): COVID-19 and Unmet Healthcare Needs of Older People: Did Inequity Arise in Europe? International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18(17). DOI: 10.3390/ijerph18179177.
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- University of Southern Denmark (SDU), Odense, Denmark
- University of Paris-Dauphine (DAUPHINE), Paris, France
- Hebrew University (HUJI), Jerusalem, Israel
- Università Ca’ Foscari (UNIVE), Venice, Italy
- University of Padova, Department of Economics and Management (UNIPD), Padova, Italy
- Center for Monetary and Financial Studies (CEMFI), Madrid, Spain
- SGH Warsaw School of Economics (SGH), Warsaw, Poland
- University of Piraeus Research Centre (UPRC), Piraeus, Greece
- Economics Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences (NHU AV CR), Prague, Czech Republic
- Faculty of Economics & Business, University of Zagreb (UniZG-FEB), Zagreb, Croatia
- Umeå University (UmU), Umeå, Sweden
- Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg (UKHD), Heidelberg, Germany
- Centerdata, Tilburg, Netherlands
- SHARE-ERIC, Munich, Germany
- Max Planck Society, Munich, Germany
- Munich Research Institute for the Economics of Aging and SHARE Analyses gGmbH (MEA), Munich, Germany
- SHARE BERLIN Institute GmbH (SBI), Berlin, Germany

This project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement number 101015924