SHARE Wave 4 Data - Release Update 1.1.1


The SHARE Wave 4 data release 1.1.1 is now available for download.

In addition to corrected weights and imputations, the NUTS variables are now available in the generated housing module, the ISCED coding for Estonia has been revised and minor changes in variable formats in the children module provide better consistency of the data.

More information on the release 1.1.1 of SHARE wave 4 data is available here, and the SHARE questionnaires can be downloaded here.  

Moreover, we would like to announce the first release of the SHARE job episodes panel. This generated dataset provides labour market status of the SHARE respondents over the life course using information from waves 1 to 3 of SHARE. A detailed description of the methodology and assumptions underlying the construction of the dataset is available in the SHARE working paper 11-2013: "Working life histories from SHARELIFE: a retrospective panel", by Agar Brugiavini, Danilo Cavapozzi, Giacomo Pasini, and Elisabetta Trevisan.

As  a registered user you can download the data through the research data center. Please note that your login code and password remain valid. However the disclaimer and acknowledgement changed (please find the new version here). Please use the new disclaimer when publishing with SHARE wave 4 release 1.1.1 data.

Please contact us at with information about all publications or if you have any questions or problems with the data.