Official start of the ERIC Forum project
SHARE ERIC is workpackage leader
On 31 January 2019, 23 European Research Infrastructures (ERICs) met for the official start of the ERIC Forum Implementation Project in Amsterdam. The ERIC Forum has been set up to speak with a common voice in Europe's political and scientific framework by 23 European Research Infrastructures, SHARE ERIC being one of them. The other members are based in eleven European countries focusing on projects in various scientific fields. Together they work to achieve the forum's goals: to strengthen the coordination between the ERICs, to find solutions for common challenges and to further develop the ERIC regulation.
Funding through the European Union: The ERIC Forum Implementation Project
The project has originaly been initiated by the European Commission as the ERIC network and been implemented as the ERIC Forum with a Memorandum of Understanding in 2017. Since then its members were in constant exchange to address chances and challenges related to the implementation of the ERIC regulation. This included questions on the socio-economic impacts of ERICs, their HR management, procurement procedures, in-kind contributions and the implementation of VAT and excises exemption. In 2018 the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme granted funding to the new ERIC Forum Implementation Project, which will run until December 2022.
Workpackages: SHARE ERIC leads "Governance"
To achieve its goals, six thematic workpackages have been assigned to different members of the ERIC Forum:
overall coordination of processes within the project (WP 1); analysis and development of the ERIC Forum’s governance model (WP 2); development of guidelines and best practices related to ERICs’ operations, administration, HR and Finance (WP 3); establishment of ERICs’ impact assessment methodologies for long-term sustainability (WP 4), strengthening the ERIC identity through targeted communication and dissemination activities (WP 5), definition of the role of ERICs within the European research ecosystem and science policy (WP 6).
SHARE ERIC has taken over the responsibility to lead workpackage 2 and develop a permanent governance model for the ERIC Forum. Andrea Oepen from SHARE ERIC's central coordination in Munich is leading this workpackage.
To learn more about the ERIC Forum visit its webpage.