Gateway harmonized SHARE data is now available!
In addition to the official SHARE data, which is comprehensive and fully ex-ante harmonised across all SHARE countries and should be routinely used, we now provide Gateway Harmonized SHARE data sets that are ex-post harmonised (thus less comprehensive) with SHARE sister studies like HRS, ELSA, JSTAR, CHARLS to facilitate comparisons.
Regular SHARE users can download the Gateway Harmonized SHARE data sets from the SHARE Research Data Center.
You are not a registered SHARE user yet? Then please follow the procedure described here.
The "Gateway Harmonized SHARE" data sets are derivative products based on released SHARE data. They are produced and provided by the "Gateway to Global Aging Data". SHARE-ERIC does not produce or support Gateway Harmonized SHARE and SHARE-ERIC is not responsible for its content or use. However, whenever using Gateway Harmonized SHARE, the SHARE Conditions of Use apply in full, since these use the original SHARE data (
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