
Improving the Long-Term Care System

On November 4th, the Croatian SHARE team presented the SHARE project and its eighth survey wave to policymakers in Croatia. At this event, attended by around 150 participants from the Ministry of Labour and Pension Systems, the Croatian Employment Service, the Croatian Health Insurance Institute, the Croatian Pension Insurance Institute and the scientific community, the benefits of the SHARE data in the implementation of evidence-based policies were presented. At this occasion, the Minister of Labour and pension Systems referred to the introduction of a basic state pension (“nacionalna mirovina”) in Croatia in 2020. Croatian residents aged 65 and over with less than 15 qualifying years should be eligible for this type of pension. In preparing for this reform, the Ministry of Labour and Pension Systems will rely on SHARE data. Moreover, the Croatian Ministry for Demography, Family, Youth and Social Policy in cooperation with the OECD is working on addressing the long-term care (LTC) needs in Croatia, aiming to improve the LTC system. In their analysis, OECD experts rely on SHARE data as well.