SHARE data was also used to inform the “Commission of Experts for Great Economic Challenges” (“Commission d’experts sur les grands défis économiques”) which was invoked in 2020 by the French President Emmanuel Macron. The 26-member commission was made up of renowned economists from France, Europe and the USA, including SHARE managing director Axel Börsch-Supan. He chaired the working group that offered advice on demography to the president, including a template for pension reform, elements for healthcare reform and a better integration of workers with migration background. The pension reform part has been delivered to the government in March 2021.
The Commission also gained attention in the media, for example:
Jean Tirole: «Le grand danger serait d’oublier l’avenir de la France et de l’Europe» dans la réponse à la crise (Jean Tirole: "The great danger would be to forget the future of France and of Europe" in the response to the crisis), Le Monde, 28.05.2020 (in French).
Macron holt sich Rat bei internationalen Ökonomen (Macron seeks advice from international economists), Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 30.05.2020 (in German).