In the years 2020 and 2021, the Slovenian SHARE team has participated in preparing the monograph “Inequalities in health: future challenges for intersectoral cooperation”, jointly with several other leading Slovenian institutions in health and social care and economics. Two articles using SHARE data to analyse inequalities in health and long-term care have been contributed. The monograph, published in 2021, has been presented at the National Council of the Republic of Slovenia, the upper chamber of the Slovenian Parliament. As a consequence, the Council adopted a document, among other stating: "The researchers have focused on two types of health care - hospital care and mediations, where they have derived their conclusions based on the analysis using the rich dataset on ageing of the SHARE survey"[2]. The publication and its usage of SHARE data has been subject of multiple further discussions and presentations and forms an important document to guide decisions in the areas of health and long-term care in Slovenia.