EUCOVII is the follow-up project of EUCOV. The overall aim is to maintain full EU coverage in SHARE Wave 10 to provide the largest possible SHARE database to the research community, the EU Commission, and supranational organisations. This includes all final preparations and the start of the main data collection of Wave 10, data cleaning and data release in 11 SHARE member countries. The overall aim will be achieved by extending the support of DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion in the eight EU member states that joined SHARE in Wave 7 (BG, CY, FI, LT, LV, MT, RO, SK) with the exception of Latvia, which was able to secure national funding for Wave 10, and in four “crisis countries” (EE, ES, GR, PT). The project will provide the basis for new data in the areas of long-term care, healthcare, informal care, labour force participation, work-life balance, pensions, and access to social protection of respondents aged 50 and older. Moreover, in combination with data from the two SHARE Corona Surveys, this project will shed light on the social and economic disruptions and other long-term effects of COVID-19 and the epidemic control decisions.