DASISH - "Data Service Infrastructure for the Social Sciences and Humanities" provided solutions to a number of common issues relevant for the five ESFRI projects in social science and humanities, being CESSDA, CLARIN, DARIAH, ESS and SHARE and therefore is supporting infrastructure construction. These five infrastructures were at different stages in the process of establishing ERICs. DASISH had identified four major areas namely data quality, data archiving, data access and legal and ethics. The activities in these four major areas are based on a thorough analysis of the underlying architectures. The outcome forms the basis for educational activities and for outreach to the communities that are to benefit from the work. Through DASISH the participating infrastructures could not only obtain new solutions for specific problems and a consolidation of their infrastructure building, but worked out solutions facilitating interdisciplinary cross-walks of their researchers. This has been of mutual benefit for the five infrastructures and the communities they serve.