Advantages of SHARE data in a nutshell - including SHARE Covid-19 data
Updated SHARE flyer available
Data from SHARE, the largest pan-European social science panel study, enable research in the fields of public health and socio-economic living conditions of European individuals. The survey's advantages for researchers are the ex-ante harmonised cross-national design that allows country specific comparisons, the international embeddedness, the longitudinal character that grasps the whole ageing process and the multidisciplinarity through various variables. Among many others, the released datasets now include COVID-19 data, which have been collected in 2020. Thus, SHARE is the ideal database to study the non-intended socio-economic and health consequences of the epidemiological containment decisions and the long-term effects of the COVID-19 pandemic
due to its life-course and multidisciplinary approach combining health with socio-economic data.
All advantages and an overview of SHARE variables are published in our up-to-date SHARE flyer (PDF).